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About tvcokecan

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  1. OK I guess I should say sorry [im TvCokeCan], first of all I misunderstood how the root admin wanted his server used, and 2nd I made 3GPVids.com sound like a bunch of wankers! We really are not, I guess I hate hotlinking from back when I used to own freewebs websites! (3 years ago). Please do accept my appogys and I hope this does not effect our communitys to much!
  2. Hey this is PromaneX, The guy who runs the 3gpvids.com forums. Let me say sorry for my admins rudeness there was no need for him to be so blunt. I actually thank you for linking to our site, your right its not stealing it was placed there for people to download. And calling people thives for using this file is a touch hypocrtical as we sure as hell didnt create it! We are using htaccess - any hotlinking will send the user to a thread on the forums. Your traffic isnt an issue to be honest, stumble is the problem www.ofncommunity.com 73 hits (0.73 %) Yeah we are praying we dont get dugg, that would suck big time! Cheers -PromaneX
  3. http://www.3gpvids.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=481 Please don't direct link to files hosted on our server, it is like stealing.
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