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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. WOW, almost $500 just to purchase a firearm in Ontario...here you would go to any store that sells firearms...some Walmart's or just a gun shop and show them your drivers license and they do a INSTANT background check over the phone...takes about 30 minutes while you fill out the paper work...pay for the gun and go home....however, you do need a pistol permit if you want a piston...the above is only for shotguns and rifles.


    So for a rifle or shotgun the only cost is the gun itself.




    That's nice.....I think i'll be better off knowing people that own firearms in canada have to pass some sort of accredited testing.

  2. Hey Folks!

    I would like to purchase something like a .22 rifle for varmit control and also fun (target shooting).

    Can anyone tell me what the current steps are required to do this?


    I'm assuming I would need to take a course(s) to obtain a Firearms Acquisition Certificate? Is this still the rule? What is a PAL? I think I read about this somewhere.


    I have never owned a gun or had any of these permits.


    Also, where would i go to obtain these things? Is there a course online or anything?



    BASS PRO offers the one stop program, hunter safty and firearm course, usually around $275-300 the one i took was friday night 5-10pm saturday 8-7pm and sunday was 8-5 but I was first to do the practical and got out around 1pm sunday...super easy

  3. That technology has been available ever since hand-held GPS units were available.


    A good hand-held GPS with maps will do everything you describe (except send a text and update onto Google Earth automatically) without paying any fees and without having to go home and check your computer to access the information. If you had a map-enabled GPS unit, you could get all your information immediately. Instead of finding out the next day that you had been next to a good looking small lake, you would know it immediately and be able to walk over and fish it.


    Imagine if they enabled the GPS feature of the SPOT, while keeping the the text and Google Earth features as well. Imagine if they let you enter the text you wanted at the time, instead of limiting you to a text message that you had to select before heading out: that would be a useful device.


    A good hand held charges up the wazoo for maps :angry: and a good hand held does not do everything i described? like you said send text and update automatically onto google earth and I dont know of any hand held for 100 bucks with a 911 feature :rolleyes:

    I paid 100 bucks for the unit and it came with first year free , this year i paid the 100 to renew just for the 911 feature for when i hunt or hike alone , how much for those sat phones? Finding out where i've being when i get home is just a cool feature ,but the best part is the wife and kids can check out where Iam while I'am still out in the feild, does that hand held Gps do that? does that hand held call for help with a help button? say iam stuck in the mud i can ask for a non-emerg helping hand, my friend can look on his computer and see exactly where Iam, try telling your buddy on your sat phone you took a left then a right then over a hill and a left no wait maybe it was right ??????? one can travel far into the woods on a quad... enjoy you stay in the bush :P .....I know iam going home , and only for 100 bucks.....easy choice for me :D

  4. I cant find anything wrong with it, My wife can look at her email and see where i've being during a 1 week hunting trip, My kids can track dad's prgress and use the google earth to zoom in on the locations i've hunted, and when i get home I can really see the terrain iam using and often I've found little lakes right off the trail i was driving,and return the next day

    Now I use my laptop and a wireless stick so even if I go hike for moose that day when i return i bring up spot locations and view it, sometimes I'll go to a friends cottage push the button then bring it up on the laptop and show the owner and boy are they impressed, sometimes again finding little lakes that nobody knew about, even my uncle who owned his cottage for many years, we we're able to fully plan out hunting areas ,this technology was never availible to the older chaps untill now,with out foot survey of the 1000's of acres of crown land, if you ever want to know whats down that trail just push the button go home and view, next day take the trail or know that it leads to a dam or creek......also it sends a text to a couple phone numbers you enter, one was my friends and he would go look and see where I've being thru out the week, I'll cover a boat load of land on quad in a solid 10 days of hunting...now I know where NOT to go next year and what trails i should have tried.....

  5. please......Try putting skinless fillet on grill and smoking it with your choice of chips...thats it....try eating the real deal. Great stuff this is plain lake trout caught on march 7th ,skinless on the grill,very good eating. no added salt,sugar,lemon or nothing..

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