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Posts posted by c10

  1. aha wow, seems L. Buckhorn is a popular lake, I too have seen some large ones pulled from there. But as Lew and some of the others said, the biggest ones are going to be found on the bigger bodies of water. Will take you longer to figure those bodies out though of course...

  2. Thanks guys!


    Nothing wrong with those fish !!!! The big girls are just for taking a few pics of anywAys !!!! You did well as quinte can be tough on new anglers !!!! It can take a while to figure out bit you sure got a few water size fish !!!!! Well done !!!!!! Fish-on

    You're right, I personally have trouble keeping anything over 25", even from quinte, I just find the big ones don't taste nearly as good anyways. But hey, you're allowed one over 24.8, just sucks to see guys keeping the 12lbers... oh well.
    You're also right about it being tough on new guys. I have only been to Quinte a handful of times and my buddy didn't get one on his first trip sadly... It can really make you question your skills ahaha! I have started to get a pattern down but it can be tough! Especially since we don't have a sled or anything so it's hard to get to some of my preferred spots without a brutal trek lol, but oh well, they'll be there next season! Happy fishing!

  3. Well I posted my first one in the wrong place lol oops, but oh well. The report is from February, when I headed to Quinte with my dad and my buddy gkasko. The aim was to get us into some bigguns, and to actually land a big eye for gkasko. Alas that didn't happen so I owe him a couple next time we're out!

    I got a couple of these real nice ones on the pause, only one picture attached, but they were both handled with much diligence and were immediately released with no problems!

    little eye.jpg


    As I said, we didn't land any monsters, but we did manage three around 7 pounds and a couple eaters. Dad lost one big one due to a very poor hookset... but oh well, next season will give him a chance at redemption! lol

    Cropped eye.jpg

  4. Yea I just saw this on Facebook as well! certainly something I am going include in my budget when I get a quad or sled! It is expensive, but I don't think you can really put a price on safety... metaphorically speaking lol. Thanks for sharing though eh

  5. Yea that's weird, I didn't think Upper Buckhorn had that much current or anything, but I could be wrong I have pretty much only fished lower... Glad the guys okay!

    But on a side note, did you guys read some of the comments people were posting? some pretty obnoxious people lol, some nice ones as well though don't get me wrong


    Have to admit I never had a bike til I was 10. Knew how to handle a boat before I learned to cycle.


    I was more referring to the "look both ways before you cross" thing. However; I was the same way, learning to ride a bike was much more painful than driving the boat...

  7. Nice report! thanks for sharing!

    I have also thought the hooks were too large, but all the guides I talked to when I have been out ocean fishing said its not necessarily the hook size that causes the problem rather, its how hard the fish hit the baits and how hard their jaws are that sometimes they just don't catch - and the smaller ones bend out and break too easily resulting in more lost fish... I was never sure if they were being totally honest or just politely insinuating that I was doing something wrong lol, oh well, at least you had run right!? I sure feel out of shape most every time I catching something out there lol

  8. You are right on c10! I've had numerous small plastic items break & I'm very careful with my gear. My wifes van has a small clip which holds the windshield washer hose to the wiper arm. Attempting to remove the hose the clip snapped. Off to the Chev dealer to purchase a new one. $34.00 - you must be joking right?? Nope that was the price. I went on ebay. Same clip $2.56. What do you think of that? Back up sensor on my F 150 malfunctioned. New part $190.00! Wow! Ebay $26.00. So I bought a set of 4, thinking that probably another will crap out on me. Set of 4 cost $75.00 total, tax,duty, shipping to my door!


    Those are some pretty good savings! How old is your truck? We have a Honda Odyssey its been pretty good so far apart from the door, but I do find all of these places nickle and dime you...

    Lots of really good points here!
  9. Almost impossible, it seems companies want things to break so you have to buy more of it... Depends though, that being said I have only ever had two phones, both LG's and neither of them have broken. I know friends who have been through four phones in the time I have had my second (about four years now) and they are much nicer to their phones than I have been to mine, oh well. I would be surprised if they didn't give you a new bracket though that certainly looks defective, but then again I am no expert lol

  10. They're easy and very expensive targets who have the collective power to change education in Ontario instead of failing to educate our children while continuing to ask for more money at every turn for absolutely any reason. Then when they are lied to by those that they voted for they punish us and our kids . Thats why. I got more if you want it.


    Actually they don't. Do you know how many superintendents have never taught in a classroom, yet come in and tell the teachers they need to do more work and less play etc. Teachers are like the nurses of the education system, and nurses have so much power right? If it is such an easy job to teach 30+ kids who have no respect for you because parents like you only bash them without trying to understand their current situation, then maybe you should try being a teacher, I bet you wouldn't last two weeks before you hit a kid who throws a book at you for no reason...

    Sure there may be a couple of bad teachers, but I have never met one who took out a bad government job on me. The last strike was only to try and uphold democratic collective bargaining rights and they lost part of their pension and all of their sick days they had since accumulated. But Whatever Moxie, all teachers are cruel monsters who are only out to destroy our kids futures right? lol Frankly, I don't understand why everyone teams up on teachers while Senators are getting cash handouts of twice their annual salary... I mean lets look at where the real problems in our governments lay Moxie... thanks for the insults though.

    Besides, this is a fishing board, so if you want to bash people's professions go find another board in my opinion, or keep it to fishing and fishing politics please.

  11. Is that teachers college remark supposed to be a Harris joke or something? I don't understand the need to bash teachers for no reason...

    If this is the path this thread is going down then lets be honest here... Every party is filled with its share of crooks who don't care. Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Green...

  12. Thanks for the responses guys! And I agree with you Mike, there are so many lakes around that are public access, no need to trespass! And hiring a float plane for such an excursion is out of my budget ahaha


    While we're talking about Georgian Bay, I have had good luck in the North Channel (Spanish River) for Smallies, lots of Walleye's around during that time as well! But I am not sure if there is any availability up there still... :dunno:

  13. This is off topic, but Mike I am curious if you would know the answer to this; If you own all the property around the lake but don't have waterbed rights (which from what I understand pretty much nobody does) isn't the only thing you can technically get in trouble for trespassing (if there are no other restrictions on said body of water)? I didn't think there were many privately owned lakes, on the access was privately owned? Again sorry not trying to make this the topic or anything just curious.

  14. Didn't catch any smallies the one time I was up at Lady Evelyn, only some pike and some walleye, crazy week weather wise though, went from snow on the ground to 85 in a couple days(not trying to make excuses).

    We stayed at Island 10, the lodge owners have changed since then, but they didn't allow you to stay out past dark because of the amount of shoals and what not. I guess some guys had fallen out of their boats in the past at night, not really sure, just a heads up that the same policy might be in place there still and possibly at the other lodges.

    The place and people we stayed with were really good at Island 10, but we never went back, there are better places without as much fishing pressure in my opinion. Fishing was okay, but we had to work pretty hard for what we caught. Mind you we were there pretty early in the season, however a group of our friends went up the year after and reported the same thing. This all was a few years back now so things may have changed. This was just my experience. Very very pretty area though, was a nice trip all in all.

  15. C10:


    Do you have any pics or more specific reports of them in GTA streams? I know a bunch of people in the local Conservation Authorities and MNRF office would be interested.


    Thanks in advance,




    I have no pictures. I have only ever seen others catch them - from complete strangers to my friends and dad one time (a long time ago though) lol... Not sure what they have against me :dunno: I suppose it saves them the pain though. They sure are cool looking I think. I could send in what I have seen, do you have a specific person(s) in mind that I should contact? Feel free to PM me Jon!

    As well - Sorry if I mislead you eh, I seem to be doing that on here far too often recently through poorly worded sentences, sorry all!


    Reelinrolly - It is certainly wrong to just kill something without the intent to use it for food morally in my opinion, but i am not sure if it is illegal to kill these guys (for food or if you could be charged for killing one - I wouldn't eat one though lol)? I know they are not considered "at risk" under the federal species at risk act from 2007 nor by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. I think they are only looking for more information on populations health etc. of the species


    And you are right Woodsman, I think they are doing an independent study, but that is only speculation. Though I would be surprised if the MNR didn't want information on Mud Puppies, I know they want information on American Eels however, that add is in the regulations book.

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