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  • Birthday 12/09/1971

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    North York

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  1. OK...After about 3 weeks of investigation and internet searching I am off to try my luck just a bit north of the GTA. I found a spot called George Richardson Park / Rogers Reservoir. If anyone's heard of it or tried it let me know how it is but I'll report back with any success or failure! Wish me luck!

    1. Christopheraaron


      Good luck! I've eyeballed that place for a while for catfish, I'd be interested to know if there are any in there!

  2. Hey Gang! New to the boards and stumbled on here looking for community help sites in the fine world of fishing! I'm in the Vaughan area and originally from Niagara Falls. While I know tons of great spots in Niagara to fish I am lost and screwed in the GTA! I've gone out to Lake Wilcox and Lake Seneca only to find signs and real estate impeding me from fishing! Then I go up to Keswick and Lake Simcoe and again its smothered in real estate for people who buy along the Lake and block anyone else from fishing! I seriously need to de-stress and simply want to fish and it seems everywhere I go I either have to drive terrible distances out of the city and get there only to find for one reason or another you can't fish! Need help in finding some spots and hoping some of you can point me in a fisher friendly environment not to far out from the evil GTA! THANKS!
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