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Posts posted by woodro

  1. Irish- gotta love this weather!!! since there's no snow or ice for sledding i figure id keep the rig out of hibernation for a little longer. This week im planning a couple more trips since i have it off work and im finished my degree :) im going to take advantage of whatever weather comes our way


    Smokey- there were a couple other boats fishing the bar with us, but we were all being tossed around from the wind and waves. A couple smaller boats tried the bar for a bit but had to turn back into the river because the swell was WAYYY to big,. it was super dangerous out there if you were in the wrong spot

  2. Had a chance to head out with my pops to BOQ last thursday afternoon and friday morning. The plans were to hopefully catch a couple trophy eyes and take the BOQ skunk out of my boat. (went once before with Snagmasteral in late december with no luck) Arrived in picton around 1pm, checked into the Pickeral Palace at Merland by 1.30 and was on the water fishing by 2. We fished East of the ferry, marked a ton of fish in all areas of the water column but couldnt get any to hit. Night fell, still with the bad odur in the boat i was determined to catch at least one fish, trolled in the harbour with the electric bow mount and crankbaits still with no luck...it was begining to look really bad for us. The weather turned and fog and rain rolled in for the morning fish but we were prepared for the worst out there, changed up the game plan a little the next morning and fished a little shallower, no dipsys just boards. It certainly paid off!! the first 40min nothing then all of a sudden i noticed the planer board doing a little something funny, sure enough it was my first trophy Eye weighing 7.5lbs and streching 26"



    not even 10mins after regrouping from the wieghing, measuring and pictures the same board went off again. i was so pumped! this fish felt a little heavier and it was, it stretched 29" and weighed 9.5lbs



    approx 30mins later after my dad changed up his weapon he popped another decent eye 25" weighing 6.5lbs




    after all this i was so thrilled that we kinda figured them out but unfortunately we ran out of time and i had to head home. we fished till 11.00am then packed er in cause i had to work that evening. but all in all it was an amazing trip and i hope that we'll be able to do it agian this week if the weather holds up. Who would have thought catchin eye's in janurary with planner boards would be possible, LOVE IT!

  3. sorry for the late report but better late then never i guess. My dad and i headed out last monday for some action in the mighty Niagara, the river turned out to be a wash, visibility was less then ideal so we decided to land a couple wet socks instead :D and it was worth it to land a couple nice fish. All were taken and released off three way rigs and 3-4 inch shinners or roe.









    oh ya i forgot to mention the winds. They were insane out there, i would not recomend fishing the bar in a small boat when the winds are howling. the swell that's created from the current of the river and wind coming against it is extremely dangerous, 5-6ft swells from all angles cant be fun for anyone :dunno::blink:

  4. congrats dawg!

    pinkies are wicked baits, last season i think i caught just as many fish using pink worms as i did using roe bags.

    dont listen to the guys that are ripping on you for keeping your second rainbow ever, as long as you were in your legal limits, you ate it, and your mom enjoyed it, its all good hombre!

    hopefully we'll see you on the river

  5. Morning folks. I am contemplating buying a snowmobile (used) mainly to use for ice fishing and wanted to ask the folks that have one or are knowledgable about them a few questions.


    1) Firstly, what brands do you recommend ?? I have been mainly looking on the autotrader and the one's that catch my eye thus far are Ski doo and Yamaha (mainly because that is my brand of outboard motor)


    2) I am looking to spend around $3,000- $3,500, will this get me a half decent unit ?


    3) What are the main things you look at when buying a used unit ? (ie. track.. etc)


    4) Licencing - Do you buy a plate similar to a boat trailer which is good for life ? I know you have to buy a trail pass every year if you are going to use on trails but if you are going to use strictly on lakes do you need one ?


    Any other input would be appreciated, thanks



    Im going to try my best here, my family just got into snowmobiling so i was faced with these same questions a short time ago...

    1. all makes are generally on the same level of manufacturing, its all a matter of asthetics and which type of engine you prefer (2 or 4 stroke) Personally went with Yamaha, so they were a little more expensive but you get what you pay for. The quality of these machines is untouchable. Plus i believe there is going to be a emissions law enstated, saying all machines made have to meet an emissions standard. IM not sure if your worrying about resale value, but if you consider it, i would go 4 stroke. The autotrader has a ton of machines, either ski-doo, polaris, or arctic cat, but not a lot of yamahas...ask yourself why

    2. That price range will get you a decent unit, just be careful when searching because you could get a dud.

    3. look at the integrity of the sled, small cracks in the cowling or A-frame near the ski. put wieght on the shocks in the front and rear make sure they arent seized. check the maintenence, see if the machine has been cleaned, and lubricated etc. also probably the most important thing is the compression of the engine. make sure all cylinders are pushing a high consistent compression, (110-120psi, around that number)

    4. licensing, all you need is a drivers licence, trail passes are only needed for trails not lakes.

    Im not sure about the plates


    hope this helps, just ask a lot of questions when ever your buying anything used. Good luck on sled shopping

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