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Everything posted by viper

  1. ha! I am just concerned about Temagami, I have never fished it so I cant say with experience, but with the research I have read, it seems very spotty. I just don't want to spend all the time to get there, the excitement from the wife and kids, and then have a disappointing time where all we do is wash lures, and nadda. the idea of a smaller lake with fish for the frying pan, not necessarily for the photo book, works for me. The pics I will cherish are the happy smiles
  2. lots of good advice, thanks for sure. i plan on bringing a canoe so good call on tieing off the boat...esp if windy at night. Kuha...that was one i never saw when i googled houseboat. that might work....a smallish lake without a lot of other boats, and the fishing looks like it'll keep the wife and daughter busy so they wont be yapping and complaining, lol.
  3. welcome, for sure a boat will help. Alot of places will give you a decent rate on a daily boat rental. If you are going to travel that far, at least improve your chances. So many lakes, and if walleye is your flavor and travelling doesnt seem to be an issue, any lake north of sudbury will give you more walleye than you can handle
  4. well, who would have thought...3 Buoys is on Temagami. I guess the best time for action is late spring...mid June up there. I am going to do some research, but if there are others, that would be great to know.
  5. thx MoS. I will google it.
  6. Greetings Gents, ladies too (of course). i am looking to plan a fishing trip for the family. Are there any lakes that offer houseboats and good fishing. We want to avoid the Kawarthas...from my younger days, i recall 3 Bouys and the craziness of guys bringing these houseboats into the locks, yikes. If you know of a place that offers good fishing with houseboat within 6 hr of GTA, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any advice
  7. Just started a father/son fishing weekend every Father's Day, very cool when you have the kids with you. Nice cat too, I was in Florida and I had a big lynx come up about 20 yards from me, one big gorgeous cat. I wish i had a camera. interesting that this cat was on your island, they normally dont like to swim, so i guess it'll stay until ice up, then move off
  8. I appreciate the advice GCD, problem is that most boats here in ontario are out of the water unfortunatley
  9. Hoping someone can provide experiences they've had on aluminum boat. I am looking to buy my first fishing boat, 14 footer. I cant afford a new one so used is ok. I have heard that many aluminum boats can leak and since its late in the season and hope i can get a good deal, the boat i buy probably wont be in the water. i realize buyer beware but are there brands i should stay away from? any advise is appreciated. thank you
  10. Fish the outer shoals off river mouths. Some hot spots include the btm of French and Bad rivers where it empties into Geo Bay, definately trolling
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