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Everything posted by 0liver

  1. I am from the Creek... I always see guys from the hammer on here. Glad to know we have a contingent here! I think I am gonna give bell park and by the science centre a try... are there any other good spots around Lake Ramsey for shore fishing? Thanks
  2. Hey Hey! It only smells when it gets warm! I don't mind a 20 to 30 min drive. Thanks for the suggestions!
  3. Guys, a few of us heading up to Sudbury for the weekend for a wedding from Hamilton, and we have Saturday morning free and want to do some fishing (all catch and release). So, I am asking, where is the best place to do some shore fishing for pike within the Sudbury area? Thanks in advance! 0llie
  4. i know.. heavy first post ej! haha I am always on this site, but usually just read the articles, but after reading the article posted, I had to post. I know the link i posted is a long read, but it is extremely interesting and actually includes copies of the letters between generals and official UN and UNPROFOR documents. War is a horrible thing, but it really pisses me off when an observer twists facts and writes opinion to be fact to gain notariety and a little bit of fame.
  5. If you read the article posted; which is heavily biased, please read this article which counter's many points. Unlike Mr. Taylor's article, the below, has references and is well put together. It' goal, unlike Scott Taylor's; was not to sell books or create sensationalism. http://www.nsf-journal.hr/issues/v3_n3-4/10.htm I in no way am intending to belittle the Canadian military as I am proud to be Canadian and have friends who are serving; but I am getting really sick of articles such as this.
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