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Posts posted by grizzlybri

  1. http://www.wideopenspaces.com/underwater-bowfishing-check/


    This looks like a lot of fun.


    Do you need your hunting licence to go bow hunting for carp?


    Also can bow hunted fish be used for the OFC tourney?


    according to the pdf version of the regs (page 15) bow and arrow for carp are as follow May 1-july 31 zone 5,6,9,10,12-16 ( except algonquin) 18-20 no limit


    zone 17 is 2nd sat in may - july 31


    Closed in 1-4, 7,8 and 11, zone 15 in algonquin


    there is also regs on bow fishing for bowfin and whiite sucker


    So bow hunting for caarp in those zones is allowed so i don't see why it couldn't count for the OFC tourney


    Only if you eat them.


    Raw. And whole.







    If he is doing it with me ther is a good chance one of us (me) will do that

  2. I would suggest that you not pick a location by committee, but simply pick one. Dictate the time, the place and format, and everyone who is interested will fall into line. I'm at the head of that line BTW. Great idea!


    I like that ok I'm going to pick a spot.


    EDITED: Original post edited as well, I selected The Live Bait Ale House located at 1185 Maple Ave, Milton, ON L9T 0A5. This is just minutes from James Snow Parkway and the 401.


    Here is a link to their website http://www.livebaitalehouse.com/, I've been before, and the food and service was great not to mention the 90+ types of beer they have

  3. Hello fellow OFC members


    I’m coming to you with an idea that Pikeslayer and myself came up with. With the nicer weather finally here we want to organize a GTA west end get together. We want to do something simple like wings and drinks, followed by a swap meet or swap meet followed by wings and drinks.


    We are planning on doing it on Saturday April 11 . We picked this date because both Simon and I are sure most of us are going to be hitting the creek and river beds later in April.


    We want to have it close to one of the major highways that is why I picked the following location


    The Live Bait Ale House http://www.livebaitalehouse.com/


    1185 Maple Ave, Milton, ON L9T 0A5

    It is located just minutes away from James Snow Parkway and the 401


    Swap: 1:00pm


    Food: 2:30pm




    (updated April 08)

  4. 5-3. Gotta love a team that wants to win.


    I guess the sens lost the memo that they need to win games at the beginning of the season and not just the end. They are doing the opposite of as the Leafs or as you call them Laffs.


    Leafs start strong and loose a bunch of people jumping ship. The Sens start weak and pick it up just to fall short of their goal, but what else would you expect from the Nation's capital

  5. I'm glad the election isn't tomorrow because I have no idea who I would vote for. Yes everyone has brought up some great points bu none to really make me think of how I'm voting in the fall.


    Even with not knowing how I'm going to vote right now I am going to vote, I also just moved so I'm going to do more research this time, to see how each party has done in my area in past years.


    The big thing i'm interested in seeing is how well the NDP will do this year since they no longer have Jack at the helm

  6. A few years ago now i was also stopped at a check, and the officers were doing s ride program. I was on the way back to my cottage with my mother frp, picking up some food and yes some drinks, because it was Thanksgiving weekend.


    The officer asked me as i was drivng, "have you had anything to drink today"


    My answer back to the officer was "No, officer not yet "


    Hey replied of have a good day


    M mom reaction after was the best part, because i didn't realize exactly what i said


    She was shocked that i was able to go with my response to the officer

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