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little angler

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Everything posted by little angler

  1. Its not that i dont have a life, i am not 35 living in my mothers basement im just looking to kill some time until my big trip up to Nipissing. Since i screwed my heel up pretty bad at soccer i need to do something im a thirteen year old going into grade 9 who can not sit still for the life of him. I was wondering if any of you guys have come across and fishing games on the web that are free and do not involve downloading. Because i just got my PC back after having like 10000000 viruses on it. If you have any please do share, angler in need. The other thing just wondering for all the leaf fans what they think of tucker leaving? -L.A-
  2. Ye i always thought Lacrosse was the toughest sport i gave it up for hockey, happy i did after i heard about this 16 year who just died playing. The other kid did something to the boys brain stem and he died...very sad.
  3. i look forward to that too in two years! big disappointment losing Beckham its going to kill us!
  5. Anyone catch the game? Amazing game it was, i was at a friends house for school project and we were all watching it, nervous like never before, I've never seen so many 14 year olds crowded around a t.v for soccer your thoughts on the game?
  6. My dad and i were thinking of going up to Bellwood in furgus for some shore fishing but do not want to go when the pike tourney is going on could someone please tell me when it ends? Thanks very much -[L.A]-
  7. Today at lunch i went out for my break over to the pond by our school with my girlfriend. We were sitting on the greenbox and saw these three kids walk up to a goose and start tormenting it and then one of the took a full kick at the goose hitting it in the head, i couldn't believe it! I tried to say something but my girlfriend told me not to because she didn't want trouble. Such stupidity
  8. i know i read the replys when i clicked on the link my computer wont run it and Dan i was just asking im 13 years old a regulation book isnt the first thing on my list of things to get..thats why i wanted to hear it form other older fisherman who have been doing this for a very long time take it easy.
  9. Hey everyone little angler here and i was just wondering when the opener for pike bass and walleye are, now i know there are different zones does anyone know when the openers are for Simcoe and lake furgus? L.A
  10. don't wish your summer away! i might go up to Furgus for some fishing Saturday
  11. Yes Ryan i would also like to thank you for the great lures, they will be the first thing i throw in the water when i get there! And yes please check out http://www.hammerheadlures.com/index.php
  12. haha nice , you'll need xray vision to beat me though or an under water camera
  13. hahaha yup that i would
  14. Dude did i do something wrong like you could've been a bit more nicer about it like most guys on the forum..it was just a topic not trying to be an ars or anything or start anything but it was just a question.
  16. Hey everyone i just want to know the opening dates for Pike Muskie S.M. L.M Bass Perch Thanks in advance L.A
  17. If you even have pics worth posting
  18. This is me being nice...
  19. So don't forget when you catch minnows and sea weed don't forget to post!WE love pic's , even when u get snagged on rocks we would love to see the picture of how big the rock is alright!sounds good! L.A
  20. Same here everyone thank you!
  21. I caught 2 pike just by trolling with a worm harness really slow
  22. Hey Ryan any size will do what ever size you think is best!thanks! and i wont be here Sunday have a hockey party at 12 is Saturday ok for you? These are free right?
  23. hey we sent our emails! With our 5 top picks
  24. Have you ever had those sleepless nights where you cannot stop thinking aobut fishing and when finally you fall asleep you dream about fishing if so please share just curiouse
  25. hey anyone want to trow a boat in?
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