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little angler

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About little angler

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  1. k so here it is today it was feelin better,but then i went swimming and it was a pretty shallow pool in my backyard one of the easy set up ones with the poles. i was crawlin on my hands and and feet with belly facing up if u know wat i mean? and i stepped out itt ereeeee doogggyyyyy it hurt like a .....you know but its my knuckle and its a little swollen still i cant bend it all the way down to touch my palm like usual. It still hurts pretty might see doc on Friday. theres no popping grinding or anything and i can bend my other finger with it pushing and putting pressure but it still deffinetly hurts.didnt ice it today going to do that soon,it's 5:47 too lazy to get it now and parents are sleeping
  2. oh and wait... YOU CAN ADD? BY GOLLY ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
  3. Mike,you have to be the absolute worst trash talker ever. My 3 year old sister could had come up with something more clever than that really:). Buddy you think you have it wrapped up.You do have something wrapped up last place in voting:) i could tie a stick onto the end of my line and still take you out. Mike you know what if you do beat me which i highly doubt good job you know i will give you tha props yu know? But im feeling i wont have to because ive seen what lake Nipissing can produce Bass wise, and if im correct last year i got nothing but huge bass when i caught one my biggest being 13 1/2 inches 3-3.5 pounds, no i know you and you will say thats soft but we will see buddy,we will see. L.A
  4. Mike dont worry bout it screw it i taped it up with a Popsicle stick underneath, i wont back of of jack! ill go to the docks whenever you asking if i was backing out or bailing is YOUR way of copping out i think,you that scared?hahahim just playin witcha all the best L.A
  5. too bad im better at both fishing and trash talkin,grasshopper
  6. promised land camp north bay search it up thats where im going
  7. hope so man i really dont wanna mess this 1 time of year trip up.
  8. ok but they might put a cast one which would suck..
  9. K so i was playing soccer with my cousins and i was in net the ball came at me and hit my finger bending it back i iced it right away. Woke up today it was purple on the knuckle(middle finger) so ye it was a bit purple. I can sorta bend it but not all the way down to touch my palm like usual.This sucks because im heading to Nipissing in 2 weeks! and if its broken i will need a cast my grandma recently broke hers. The doctor advised a cast but she refused to so she has a splint for me i just taped my middle finger to my index, i will continue to ice regularly. Any tips or suggestions to if its broken,jammed,sprained or just badly burused?if broken can i fish? Thanks L.A
  10. So as some of you might know Mike the bass fisher and I are having a little competition. Here are my Dates of fishing with locations and such Little Angler Fishing out of:Lake Nipissing Location:North Bay Dates of fishing: July 26th- August 2nd Fishing from:Boat & Shore Mike the bass fisher Fishing out of:Lyndhurst Lake Location:North east of Seeleys Bay Dates:August 10th-August 17th PRIZES BEEN OFFERED We seem to have some prizes going out we got hometownhandyman giving the winner a Shad Rap, and Mark Kulik giving the winner 5 packs of Strike Zone dropshot baits and a Strike Zone Hat. SPECIAL THANKS TO RYAN LANDRY FOR GIVING MIKE AND I LURES ON THIS TRIP THERE IS A WEBSITE BELOW. http//www.hammerheadlures.com RULES AND REGULATIONS! Each fisher will post their top five Bass. Pictures may have been posted with a star on top this mean we do not want this fish to be judged. Fishers can also post top 3 for any other species,only 3 though. NOTE PAN FISH HAVE TO BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES JUST TO CLARIFY *=NOT COUNTED IN TOP 5 Mike and i will post our reports and the people on the board will read up on them. We will then post a poll and you will choose our winner. Something like that I WILL HOLD ONTO MY PICS UNTIL MIKE GETS BACK, we will post at same time. GOOD LUCK MIKE ALL THE BEST(i would talk some trash but I'm not going to on the formal post ) ONCE AGAIN SPECIAL THANKS TO RYAN AND EVERYONE ELSE THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTING! L.A
  11. very nice all the yum and soft baits i have you cant see in the picture they are in the bottom portion of my box.how are the gulp leeches may i ask? and how much?
  12. He y'all was just wonderin what your favorite bass lures were, and the techniques you use when using these lures. Some of you might have seen my post about my trip to Nipissing,SO PUMPED. And if you guys have fished these lures on Nipissing please tell me where abouts. NOT ASKING FOR ANY SPECIAL FISHING HOLE OR A SACRED PLACE FOR FISHERY just a calm place where its not too choppy where my family and i can go. Thanks in advance you guys always leave the best posts! L.A
  13. Hey Mike hope you didn't forget about our little competition. Come on msn tonight and we will workout the rules post them and line the prizes up. Buddy some nice bass, going to have to do better though to beat me bud out fish by a 13 year old we will see soon enough! Great catches L.A
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