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About tyeflyer

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  1. those are huge, are you sure they are not US submarines trying to invade us?
  2. so the other day, the place i work at goes bankrupt. nothing else to do but go fishing. was rewarded with a fresh run of browns & coho's if anybody has any leads on companies looking for materials/purchasing managers, i would appreciate the heads up. Over 16 years, i have managed to generate $15,500,000 in savings for 4 companies, and i guess i need a new challenge tightlnes
  3. back a few years ago, due to battle a bout of employment, i commited some words to virtual paper and posted them on a different site (hipwader.com). they had a section where they kept articles, and mine got adopted into that section. these are neither the be-all or end-all, just somewhere in the middle. some information is now dated, some i would worded different, some areas i would have expanded on, but then i got job. the first one deals with "notes-on-fishing-for-migratory-species". if i remember correctly, it about the fish, where to find them, when to fish for them, etc. http://hipwader.com/2003/notes-on-fishing-...gratory-species the second "fly-fishing-instructions-with-emphasis-on-salmonrainbow" deals more with fly fishing for rainbow and salmon, but a good percentage of that information is transferable to fishing rivers/creeks with other setups. http://hipwader.com/2003/fly-fishing-instr...n-salmonrainbow hope it helps
  4. try to hit the fish when they are first moving into the rivers, they are much more accomodating to taking what you are offering. after they have been in the rivers for even a few days, they will be less willing to hit anything, as thier minds on other things. while roe works well, also keep in mind; flies (wooly buggers, stone flies, egg patterns, etc) and plastics where a good current is present, try bottom bouncing (a very effective way to present a bait to prey) if you are in small creeks, spoons/spinners need to be fished with care and only in water deep enough to allow the lure to work. the smaller the creek/river, the smaller the bait should be. (to often when you seed people fishing with spoons/spinners, they are not actually fishing, just hoping to get close enough) the best runs usually happens when it rains or the day after (but it depends on the watershed and amount of rain) hope it helps peter
  5. a friend of mine may have an opportunity to move to alberta, but the rub is fishing. he primarily fishes migratory salmon & steelhead in rivers in ontario, and weather dependent, fishing is available almost 9 months out of the year. he does a bit of river fishing for bass, pike, etc, but the main focus is salmon/steelhead. the job is actaully a transition from the manufacturing sector to the exploration sector. and with 4000 manufacturing jobs being lost a month in canada, this is a major consideration. other positives include scenery (rocky mountains, NWT terrirorties is a days drive etc, more wildlife) so photography possiblities are greatly increased. now he has a copy of the Alberta fishing regs & a fishing guide. from the west border of alberta to the east border of alberta, it has over 500 lakes, rivers & streams listed. lots of residental trout opportunites, lakes with pike, pickeral, etc (though he does not own a boat) looking for opinions on as weather you would move or stay in ontario. would also be interested in hearing from anybody who does fishing in the edmonton area thanks in advance
  6. maybe the guy was a graduate of the "Vice President Dick Cheney" hunting school?
  7. on film so i needed to get a hold of canadian copper (or CANADIAN COOPER), which meant to send him a message i had to join the board. figured as long a i joined, might as well introduce myself as for fishing; spin, pin, fly, like most of you guys too many rods, too much water, not enough time enjoy the pictures the above image actually took 10 trips, 80 rolls of film, and was taken on the last trip there is a couple more dozen on the attached link more fish pictures & such here
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