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About erieeye

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  1. I have 4 of the 20 Magna linecounter levelwinds for tolling for eyes here in Erie, And they are great, Used them for five seasons and so far I only had one problem with one of the reels. I use the clicker release to put out my dipsys at a slow pace when trolling, and I had to push the spool to the right for it to release line, must be something to do with thhe linkage on the switch. But other than that they have been good reels for what you pay for them.
  2. 3 1/2 IN. NO. 4 SHOT deader than hell.
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  4. Fishmaster, I guess it makes sense for you to use a heavier set up daragging your sets behind a charter boat when landing fish is your bread and butter. But if your a leisure fisherman on a budget i've found my way to be no problems on a 17ft. fishing boat.I could count on one hand how many wallys i have lost trolling mono. Thanks for the insight....ERIEEYE.
  5. THANX Guys, Gettin ready for the wally season her in erie, its gettin close, allready started tying harnesses.
  6. Lew, I fished lake erie with dipsies now for ten years, and you don't need all this hi priced braid or wire. 20 lb trilene xt for your main spooled on an okuma 20d. magna line counter reel on an 8ft. medium heavy dipsy rod, led with a 7ft. vanish floro 12lb. leader and harness(you mite want to go a little lighter for trout and never make the leader longer than your rod, for netting reasons)trolling at about 1.8 gets me about the 45 ft. range in the colum, and this setup has caught me numerous wallys. Set your dipsys lite and the fish will pop them when they strike, and yes even a wally strike. And i have never had any problems poping the dipsies with a quick tug of the rod. This is with the large dipsy mind you 3 1/2 in disc. Pretty much the same for the smaller ones except 12 lb trilene xt for the main line. So use the K.I.S.S. method and dont go broke. Hope this helps. ERIEEYE
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  8. Thanks Tootsie, do you know when these members will be on the board?I heard its a pretty good walleye lake. A freind offered me a trip up anytime just wanting to know when the best time of year to go up for fishin. Can I avoid the black flies or not. If ice season is better? questions of the sort .Thanks for your reply! And Bryce Info any time you want it, Erie is walleye capitol of the world, And a fishermans paradise,But its nice to go elsewhere sometimes. THANKS TO ALL THAT REPLYED! ERIEEYE...
  9. No sir The spelling I used is it , The only other thing I know about the place is they have guided bear hunts and snowmobile trails in the area. Thanks for replying fins.
  10. I would like to say Hi to everyone< Im a new member, If anyone wants info on erie pa I'd be glad to help. That said, I was wondering if anybody has any info on fishing Lake Kenogamissi, Very hard lake to find any info on. Any help would be greatly appreciated! ERIEEYE P.S. It is located in Timmons Ontario off of highway144.
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