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Posts posted by Heybud_e

  1. hello everyone, been away awhile, busy with work etc not much time to fish! finally i have made plans to take a trip to Caygeon Cove - Bob Caygeon

    now i am wondering if anyone has stayed or fished there.... any information can and will be helpful, thanks all!!!


  2. decided to head out to a local spot i frequent when i have time, in which the last few months i have not had very much time to myself. I didnt get a long window of time before the rain decided to come back so i was out maybe an hour, but a successful hour it was. I started off with a hook, worm and sinker and gave that a shot for about 20 minutes, few small perch nothing worth photographing, soon after i switched my worm to a 3" plastic smelt and began fishing some weeds, tossing into different pockets for about 10 minutes when i felt a "SLAM" so i set the hook and began retreiving and to my surprise i landed and photographed this beast, with my cellular phone, Hope it turns out... till the next time... Bud..


  3. i was just there on saturday... going back this weekend prolly... have a blast while i am there... fish the small lake by the market :P nice wooden dock type thingy.. i will catch u sooner or later.. till then.... Bud

  4. Got out today for a few hours as the weather was nice, and was done work early for change so i had nothing better to do then to try some luck at my fav hole, spent a good hour bringing in small perch and rock bass. i changed my bait from plain old worm and weight to a floating Dancer popper which proved successful!! i had no scale,measuring tape or camera as i came from work with a small amount of tackle, but luckily for me, there was another fella fishing who did have a camera...here she is... DSCF0080.jpg

    this guy was even nice enuff to send me the picture today!! thank you kindly and it is well appreciated!!


    all in all, i had a very good day.... Bud

  5. thanks a bunch, so far my day has been amazing, started out with breakfast (rare), then out to the fish hole for a few hours didnt catch much, but the time spent with the lil man is all i needed, think im being dragged out to see shrek the third.. lol... hope all dads day is going well for yas... Bud

  6. greats thanks for the tips fellas, had a few follows but nothing was hitting, nothing worth using the bat in the camera for, wasnt a waste of day, it never is ..fish or no fish, it was time well relaxed, my co-worker/buddy did hook into a few carp and a few cats, ...


    today i am going out again, going to use my 20$ purchase from ebay RAPS-1.jpg see how they work out for me, look forward to posting and reporting something decent!!


    Once again, thanks for all the advice fellas....Bud

  7. have been fishing a nearby waterhole running from 4 - 10 FOT, have had some good success throwing shiners and spoons, a couple buddies had success tosses worms on hooks, yesterday was out at that same spot and had nothing to brag about, i noticed the water coloration had changed to murky, not too sure of the water temperature, but the bite wasn't as good as previous, any ideas as to what color variations i could be tossing? this is only my 2nd year fishing them.. any help is great.... Bud

  8. very nice catches!! i am going to miss spring, cool weather, damp mornings, awesome working conditions for the job i do, but i look forward to summer, the weight loss(lol)long hours = more money, and the long walks on the beach front during a nice evening with that special someone, Bass opener :worthy: .... Bud

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