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About carpe146

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  1. Hello All, Finally our trip is almost here. We'll be taking off next Saturday for the West Arm of Nipissing and from what I have seen the weather looks great, but does anyone know how the fishing out there right now? Is there anything hitting exceptionally well, pike, musky, eyes? Any last minute advice would be great and hopefully we will have some pics and a story to tell when we get back. Have a Great Week and Thanks In Advance For The Help.
  2. I've been using Vista Home Premium for a couple of months now and have mixed feelings about it. The performance of the OS has been great, but I am finding that there are a lot of programs that I used with XP that are not compatible with Vista yet. Also I have heard that unless your CPU has at least 1gig of ram Vista is terribly slow. I'm using a new Toshiba Laptop 3.0 GHZ Dou Core, 1 gig Ram, 160 gig HD, and Vista itself has been running just fine, but I wouldn't say that it is a great improvement over XP. My advice would be if you have XP keep using it for a few months until they get all the kinks worked out of Vista then if you would still like to upgrade have at it. Hope this helps.
  3. Will do hopefully we will have a few good ones to post.
  4. That is a lot of good info for someone who has never seen the area before. And if its a little too early for Musky we will probably focus on the Northerns. As long as its big with teeth that is fine by me. Thanks again and keep the tips coming.
  5. Hello All, Thanks for the help with the last post. We just booked for Saenchiur Flechey on the West Arm of Nipissing. The resort looks good and it sounds like the fihing is better on the West Arm than Marten River. Being that its our first trip up anybody have any tips for Muskies or Northerns in early August. Also where do you guys fall lures or live bait? Thanks Again
  6. Thanks for the info guys. We just booked for Saenchiur Flechey for the first week in August. The cabins look very nice and it sounds like the West Arm of Nipissing is out best bet to get into the fish we want, so we're all set.
  7. Very Nice, but now I don't want to head off to work. I just want to hit the lake, but then again who doesn't. Thanks TenneseeGuy
  8. Unfortunately yes and it looks like we might have to count on the ladies this year!!!
  9. Happy St Patty's Day All, I've been following the board for a while now, but this is my first post. So I guess before I get to my question I'll give you a little background. I'm 21 a graduate of Michigan State and a current Michigan resident. I grew up fishing on the chain of lakes in Jackson Michigan catching mostly Largemouth, Perch, and the occasional Carp. I've never been to Ontario before, but I'm in the process of setting up a trip for the family this summer for 6 people and am leaning toward going to either Saenchiur Flechey or Marten River Lodge. None of us are by any means fishing experts, but we would like to go up and catch some decent sized Northerns or Musky. I hear there are no Musky in Marten River, but if the Northern Fishing is good we really wouldn't mind. So I guess my questions would be has anyone out there stayed at either or both Saenchiur Flechey or Marten River, and which would you recommend? Also, we are planning on heading up the first couple of weeks of August, how is the fishing that time of year and would there be a better time to go? Any tips for Northern and Musky gear and tackle to have with us? Thanks in advance for all the help and Good Fishing!!!
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