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Everything posted by sticky

  1. well I've got to get some sleep before job number 2. Thank you for your help
  2. I've seen the store but never gone in it, I've always wanted to though. The only one I've been to in Hamilton is Fishing World which I do like and it seems they know a lot too. I've just never asked them if they knew any places. Yeah my dad is great to fish with but we both have such busy schedules. It's expected when you grow up. His honda motor is a 15hp? Can't recall exactly what it is but we've been okay fishing Bellwood Lake in Fergus and a few lakes in Parry Sound.
  3. my dad and his friend used to always catch fish using black beno's. I heard they were discontinued years ago but I don't know if that's true or not. Has anybody seen any in stores? His friend lost his last one last summer.
  4. we were on some pretty good stuff...lol maybe I was too tired or something but it was pretty crazy. There was 3 of them...it's possible we got pictures so I'll ask my brother and I'll post them if I can get a hold of them.
  5. well it's my dads boat....12 or 14... We don't spend as much time together anymore and he really doesn't use his boat as much as he should so I was just wondering where there were some places to go. I have fished from shore a bit in grand river by Cayuga but never had any luck.
  6. Has anybody tried the products from NGC Sports? You see ads for them in the magazines all the time. Do they really work? Are they worth the money? Know anywhere to get them in Ontario where you don't have to use a credit card? I don't want to buy them off of ebay.
  7. I was wondering if anybody knew of some places close to Hamilton, whether it be fished by shore or boat, other than the great lakes and grand river. I would like to find some places close to home where I can go quickly for a little fishing as I do have a busy schedule.
  8. Last year and the year before my brother took me too a place in Waterford, Ontario. Does anybody know whether it is a river or lake or what it is called I can't seem to find any information on it...we just drove down a backroad and fished from the shore. There are perch and sunfish and bass. Does anybody know what species are in there? The one time we went there 2 we were greeted by some birds that just would not leave us be. They had heads of turkeys with webbed feet. Any idea what it could be?
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