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Posts posted by easton13th

  1. The fines aside, they should seize all his fishing equipment at the least. They were used in the act of a crime. I believe the 6 month suspension is the lighter of the fines, Should be 1 year minimum. I know the MNR are short on staff, funds, and resources, BUT when they are actually able to perform their jobs they should get OUR support and the support of the courts. After all in long run if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about.

  2. Have to do some minor repairs on my trailer this year mostly routine from normal wear and usage, BUT thanks your check list is a great tool for those overlooked items. As for the runners, would it be worth the extra cost to use a cedar or teak wood rather than pressure treated? Would they be durable enough?

  3. Had a raccoon problem at our old house as well. Built a pond and a fountain and all the bells and whistles..filled it with Koi fish..well the raccoons loved it they ate all my Koi...brought on all there friends for dinner. They were living under our deck....we fed them, housed them, and they never said THANKS, they just hung around and enjoyed themselves. We showed them though we moved. I think in the long run they beat us. I am sure they are still living the good life somewhere.

  4. The Leafs could win a Cup any time they want....BUT why? In total income they are and will be for a long long time the richest team in NHL>>

    Hockey Night in Canada takes care of that. The TV coverage is CANADA wide. Millions are forced to watch every Saturday night. Sometimes to see the Leafs or who they are Playing....Toronto fans are strong for there Leafs, win or lose. The other 5 Canadian teams are forced into local markets and double header are split through the west. Toronto's income goes long beyond the 18000+ fans in the arena.....IF they really wanted a cup they could have one. I just don't think they are committed to their FANS......

  5. The service experienced was never the greatest. Gerritt put it best.....They were over priced while they were open and even at 5o% off they were high priced. I was in there the other day and they had a lot of fixtures and displays left but PRODUCT I was told by the owner he is not interested in selling cheap.....WHAT WAS NOT SOLD HE WAS PUTTING ON E-BAY....

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