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About rocko0305

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  1. I'm not sure how much my reply is going to help you, but I made 80 lb. fluorocarbon leaders for pike fishing for my NWO fly-ins, and they turned out great. I crimped a barrel swivel to one end, and then just a coastlock snap to the other end. I like the coastlock snap better than any other, but to each their own. The coastlock snaps I bought came with a barrel swivel attached to them, so I had to cut that off, because I found no need for having 2 barrel swivels on my leader (none of the expensive pre-made ones do either, and I was trying to replicate them). The last thing I did to make the crimp even more secure, was to carefully use a lighter and burn the end of the fluorocarbon after I had trimmed it close to the crimp, so that it created a mushroom that could not slip the crimp. They have worked amazing to this day.
  2. Some pigs from NE Michigan...23" and 20". Caught 30+ 18" or bigger smallies over the course of 2 days earlier this year. Headed back in mid July.
  3. Mike, any chance you got the pictures from your buddy of his grouse hunting? I would love to see them if you happened to get them. Thanks.
  4. I never said I would be using the same rod for walleye that I do for pike. I actually will be bringing 3 pike combos and 2 walleye combos. I am just worried of losing a pike and/or injuring it when I cast/troll a lure like a Hot n Tot or Husky Jerk when targeting walleyes. But, I am worried about impeding the action of those lures by using too stiff of a leader. Mike - I was at Bass Pro today, and although the one by me does not carry the Terminator leader in store, they did have the Tuf Leader that I checked out. At first glance, the 50# looked pretty thick to me, but upon touching it I did like that it seemed it would tie very easily. What I did not like was that it creased/kinked up very easily like a steel leader would. Next to the Tuf Leader was something I have seen before, but never bothered to check out, called Tyger leader. With the naked eye, it looked at least 3x thinner in diameter than the Tuf Leader, and it also did not kink as much. The nice thing about the Tuf Leader is how cheap it was, at only about $5 for 5 yards. The Tyger leader was $10 for 5 yards I believe. Just thought I would share.
  5. I am pretty much in agreement with you on that. My intent was to use the 20# fluoro for sluggos and flukes, where I wouldn't be losing a $10 lure if I got bit off. However, I would hate to injure a fish, or lose a big one in the process too. That is why I think I will try the Terminator leader since it is tieable, and I do not want to use a snap when sluggo/fluke fishing. Where I am really wondering what to use is when I tie on a Flicker Shad, Hot n Tot, Husky Jerk, etc. for walleyes. What do you use for those situations?
  6. Mike, Very cool to see that you too are interested in the Terminator tieable titanium leader material, as this is something I have been thinking about purchasing for my trip to Beteau as well. I recently saw a Linder's Angling Edge show where they were fishing Nipigon for big pike using this stuff in 30# size. Currently, I've made up at least seven 10-12" 80# fluorocarbon leaders using crimps. However, when I throw my soft plastics like Sluggos and Flukes for pike, or hard baits like Husky Jerks and Countdowns for walleye, I do not want to be using the big 80# fluoro leader. I was planning on trying 2 different options....1.) 20# or 30# Terminator tieable titanium, or 2.) Remaining 20# fluorocarbon I have from a recent trip to Florida that help up great against the barnacles and toothy fish I caught. I would love to hear a report back from you on what you thought about the Terminator leader material after you get back from Beteau, since you will be headed there a couple weeks before I leave. Here is a link to an excerpt of that episode where they were using it. The video actually shows the part where they talk about the leaders they are using. This episode also made me go out and buy a jointed Rapala BX Swimmer I plan on trying: http://www.lindnermedia.com/angling-edge/video/2013-lfe-show-7-lake-nipigon-adventure
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