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  1. Hi Everyone, We are very excited to announce the success of the 6th Annual Fishing for Tyler Fundraiser held yesterday at the Innisfil Beach Boat Launch. Here are the tallies: BBQ $576.89 Silent Auction $350.00 Registration $2,220.00 Early donations $2,085.00 Grand total: $5,231.89 We had a turnout of 170 people that registered. What an amazing day! Thank you again to Maureen for starting this fundraiser 6 years ago. Without her, yesterday's success wouldn't have been possible. Thanks to TJ, our BBQ Kings Loonietoon and DouG, Vinnimon, Big Chev 4X4, Aile Goby, Icedude, Sir Catch-A-Lot, Lakair Lodge, Tonyb, Kickingfrog and Aaron Shirley. I will be sending out personal thank you cards shortly and would appreciate it if anyone who donated items and would like their contributors to be thanked, could let me know who they are with their addresses and I will be sure to send them one. Anyone from the OFC that helped, please forward to me your address so I can send you one as well. We appreciate all the help we received and what people to know it! Thank you everyone! Your support has meant so much to us, Elisa, Terry, Tyler and Tiffany French
  2. Thanks for your good wishes Maureen! You will be missed. Thank very much Aile, see you at the fundraiser. Elisa
  3. Hi everyone, All is well and we've got everything we need. Just wondering though...does anyone happen to have a mega phone lying around? I can't seem to get my hands on one. I may have to try to rent one in the morning but thought I would ask. See you at the launch! Elisa and Terry Tyler and Tiffany too!
  4. Hi Everyone, I don't know if TJ will have time to post the two Silent Auction items that will be at the Fundraiser on Saturday. I unfortunate had trouble getting it to him. We have had power outages in Alcona for two evenings now. The Silent Auction will be run from 7am till about 2pm. We will announce that the auction is closing and announce the winner as soon as the prizes are all raffled off. WINNER WILL PAY FOR AND RECEIVE AUCTION ITEM AT THE FUNDRAISER. Item 1) is a 2 night cabin accommodation for 2 people, and a 2 day boat and motor rental in the month of September at LAKAIR LODGE. Generously donated by Leslie and Kevin Cameron of Lakair Lodge. [email protected] Item 2) is a four hour charter with Steve Rowbotham of SIR CATCH-A-LOT Professional Guiding Services on Lake Simcoe any weeknight (4pm - 8pm) between May 1 - September 30, 2010. Choice of bass, whitefish, perch or pike. Generously donated by Steve Rowbotham. Any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Elisa
  5. Just a friendly reminder to anyone who has collected prizes who would like company names or individual names placed on a sign for recognition and thanks at the fundraiser to please let me know. Deadline for names will be 10am Friday morning! If there is an individual that has help in any way that should be on the sign as well, that you think I might not know about, please let me know as I don't want to miss anyone. You can PM me or email me at [email protected]. There will also be a silent auction at the derby this year!!! We are auction off a Lakair Lodge Package and a charter from Sir-Catch-a-lot. I will provide details in another post tomorrow and how the silent auction will run. If anyone has a prize that they think will work well as a silent auction item please let me know. Thanks everyone! Elisa
  6. Hi Everyone, Winterfest is being held the same weekend at Innisfil Beach Park so there will be lots for the kids to do. There is a big hill for tobogganing as well as the ice rink. We have been asked by Town Council to please park in the two parking lots on the left hand side BEFORE the boat launch. This is so that if emergency vehicles need to get to anyone we are not blocking the boat launch with cars. Tickets will be given out if cars are parked in no parking areas. This also gives us more room in the boat launch area for the BBQ as well. I have a meeting with the Deputy Mayor and park staff on Friday and they will be providing me with all the details so if you are unsure of where to park or have questions Tyler's father (Terry) and I will be down at the boat launch and will show you where it is safe to park. Thanks, Elisa
  7. Hi Everyone, I am having a sign made up to post at the fundraiser that will acknowledge all individuals and companies that have donated prizes or items for the BBQ. The sign is also there to acknowledge people who have help in any capacity. There are a lot of you who are collecting prizes and bringing them to the event. Please, if you know of a name of an individual or a company that deserves recognition, email me the names as soon as you can. The sign will be finalized on Friday February 19! I don't want to leave anyone off and want to thank everyone properly. I don't want to offend anyone by missing them. You can PM me or email me at [email protected]. Thank you everyone for helping!
  8. Thank you! You guys are the best! Elisa
  9. Hi Everyone, Please note that things are coming together and I have updates to come soon. I am waiting on a few calls for donations for the BBQ and prizes...so...if everyone can hang tight a bit longer I will be able to give some light on what prizes there are to be won, if we will be having a silent auction at the event and if there are any other things we will need. I have been getting emails/messages from people with offers of prizes and food donations, thank you very much! If there are any other donations of prizes out there please let me know. It's all coming together! Thanks everyone! Elisa
  10. I just got word from the Deputy Mayor of Innisfil that there will be NO CHARGE for out of town vehicles the day of Tyler's Fishing Fundraiser!
  11. Thanks again everyone! Just so you know Starbucks is supply all the coffee and hot chocolate again this year!
  12. Thank you to Steve Rowbotham for the donation of the charter! We also have another donation from Posca Foods in Vaughan for a case of hamburgers.
  13. Thank you very much Tony for the chicken. I also have a donation of 2 cases of hot dogs (approximately 60) from my girlfriend and her husband who own Posca Foods in Vaughn. Still on the hunt for burgers, buns, and condiments. I asked for a donation from Sobeys in Alcona. The owner is away for a couple of days but I will hear back from him soon. He is a great guy and I am sure he will give us something. I also asked M&M Meats in Alcona as well. Elisa
  14. Hi, Thank you to Loonietoon, I know who you are ; ). Thank you to douG for offering to cook rather than fish. Thanks Chris for the welcome. Thank you to JPD for the offer of prizes. Thank you to Aile Goby for the offer of prizes and like I said, Terry and I are very computer illiterate and we have no idea what "PM me" means. So to JPD and Aile Goby please let us know what we need to do and if we need to pick up these donations beforehand. Thanks everyone.
  15. Hi everyone, it is Tyler's Mom here. After ironing out a few kinks with TJ, we will definitely be holding the 6th Annual Fishing for Tyler Fundraiser on February 20th! It will be held at the Innisfil Beach Boat Launch and registration is at 7am and measurements will end at 1pm. We are planning on having a BBQ lunch as well. It will be run the same way Maureen always has just with members of Tyler's family doing the organizing. Please know that we have never done this before, that is why there were some kinks, but we will do our best to have a great day for everyone! Maureen has done an amazing job over the past 5 years and we are very greatful to her. There is an issue, that the Town of Innisfil, is now charging an entry fee of $10 to get into the park this year for out of town vehicles. I have written to the Town Council requesting to have that fee waived for participates of the fundraiser. I have to wait for Town Council's decision on January 20 and will post hopefully good news that the fee will be waived. If anyone needs to get a hold of us with ideas, offers of help, donations of prizes etc., please don't hesitate to call us at 705-436-3607 or email us at [email protected]. I hope this clears up some of the questions that have come up and I will keep my eye on OFC for any further communication but please know that Terry and I are not very computer literate and are not too sure how to navigate around the OFC but I guess we can learn! Thank you to all of you again for your support. Elisa and Terry French
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