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Everything posted by barbiejune

  1. Well if nobody has been into Rice, how about Air Ivanhoe's Nemegosenda riverside outpost, not the lodge on the lake but cabin down river. Kind of like the thoughts of a river as if the wind comes up on a large lake one is playing cards for the day, but if Rice is the better of the two I would be willing to take the gamble.
  2. Thanks for responding guy's, will have a look at what Hearst air has to offer. Walleyebob, if you have not used Air Ivanhoe in the past I will say George runs a top shelve operation. If you could pass on your thoughts on Rice when you return it would be appreciated. Enjoy your trip. Thanks
  3. Guy's and gal's, been a while sense my last post and this post relates to the last one. Have been using Air Ivanhoe for about 10 years know, been to Blue Springs, Paul, Lemoine, Rush and a few others. Could not make it up this year so could not talk or have a look at the maps that George has in the lodge. I like the looks of Rice with its many bays, narrows and points. Would like to hear from any one who has fished this Lake in the past few years. This is basicaly a family trip, brothers brothers in law and good ol dad. Looking for a Lake that holds good numbers and good size not looking for any trophys or any thing like that just decent fishing as this will likely be the ol guy's last run so would like to go out with a bang sort of speak. Have had a look at Hawk air as well, have never used them so any info on them and their lakes that anyone here has used would also be appreciated. Personaly I would love to head to Nakina as I have read this is the place to go but as I said this is being put together for the ol guy and 14 hrs in the passanger seat at 80 would do the butt and back no justice. Thanks in advance.
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