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About mittzu

  • Birthday 10/25/1974

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  • Location
    campbellford, ontario
  • Interests
    fishing, golf, shore lunches, more golf...fishing, if i can fish and golf same day thats better , drink

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  1. Irishfield: you could be further from the truth. This was a post to promote AWARENESS... Alot of people have shared their opinion, which I think is great. Thats why I posted it. As per the personal attacts...you are wrong Listen bottom line is this... my T4 this years claims I spent just under 14 000 in taxes... 14000...wow, and then the gouvenment SAYS that I did not pay enough...so I owe them another 3000...so I have had too pay 17000 this year...Holly crap. Some people in our (well was agreat country) does not even make that before taxes. Think about that last time you made 17k in one year.....Now the way I look at it is this: I know MY son could have used some if not all of that 17k for school , clothes, food and most importanly a roof over his head. I do not want any one feeling sorry for me, I want them to understand that this does not need to happen to me or you or YOUR KIDS. I posted this because and only because on of MY personal attack FROM this gouvenment.
  2. re-post http://www.prolognet.qc.ca/clyde/tax.htm Twilite: your are so right about that...but WE the people can make a change if we the people stand arm to arm and standup and fight........ if not then I will forward you my bank account information so you can pay my tax...
  3. And People BEWARE---they are going to be pushing a CARBON TAX....to help global warming....but if you think about it..we are getting Colder not warmer...just another thing we did not agree or sign too.... Twilite: I bet you feel real good about yourself KNOWING first hand that this is a fraud and you STOLE hard erned money from people that really need it....Its people like you and all the other collectors that makes this country POOR. Here is a thought: If in fact the money WE paid ( in Taxes ) be used for the good of the people, shouldn't we be driving on 24 carat gold streets, with the Smartest schools, best healthcare,, just the best of everything..BUT If I look out my front door window, there is a huge hole in my road, with people begging for food....
  4. As I mentioned earlier...this post was for AWARENESS...... but I am pretty sure if we all stand arm and arm and STOPPED paying taxes ( some how ) the courts would be so busy....something would happen.....
  5. Amazing how we can fight a large fish for say an hour only for the reconition of a big fish, BUT we wont take any time to save many many thousands of your hard earned money.... I was wondering then, for those who have (more money then a will to fight for your money) I will set up a bank account where all of you can just send me your money....why not give to me...
  6. After about 2 hours of work I have found this, please read and then comment thanxs http://www.prolognet.qc.ca/clyde/tax.htm
  7. Thank you Bruce....if everyone does there Due Dillengence we would not have negative commerts on this issue....
  8. Now I am starting to think that everybody is just to excited for this coming fishing season.... If you were told that we could not fish ANYMORE. I would bet that everyone on this site would in fact, investigate and demand answers of WHY. We would stand arm to arm and fight to get our loved sport back.....yet I post a shocking video, that if TRUE would and should make yourself very angry, because of the wool that has been pulled over our eyes. I have given alot of money over the years to taxes...and IF I didnt have too. I would fight to either get it back or fight to stop. Please re-read my first post with the video link...READ IT and know what I am asking......I should have a very valid question.
  9. OK Ok OK....Now that many people have visited my post. And I hope everyone watched the video...New question.... If you found out that there was NO LAW in which you had to pay INCOME tax, then WOULD you? As per snipes,,,, you just keep reading the news, and this is what I predict will happen: After a lenghty court battle, it will be thrownout and charges dropped. WHY: Because AGAIN in some states in the USA THERE IS NO LAW, INCOME TAX is a FRAUD....Any Good Lawyer will know that this is a joke
  10. With all due respect for the nice people on this site. I only posted that video to help spread awareness. We have all grown very complacent with everyday life, we are not understanding what is really going on. I really did not mean to insult anyones intelligents, I want people to realize there is things that are going on in North America that will affect us Canadians. It may not affect me and you, but it will our kids. I dont want to cause an argument, or a huge debate. I would like to invite everyone that reads this to educate themselfs and keep up with what is happening... Open your eyes and wake up People.....
  11. John,,, please just watch...then comment. thanxs
  12. Not to be rude...but DID you watch that video......And you are from the USA....If you listened and watched, YOU do not have to pay income tax....think about it.....just stop paying There is no law stating you HAVE to pay...so stop feeding the monster. Ron Paul 2008
  13. Thought I would share this with the nice folks on this site. I think we should all take the 10 minutes and watch this. You will find Part 2 of this on Youtube...I think Canada is the same...Can anyone AFTERwatching this tell me different? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1jqLximBZI
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1jqLximBZI please take the time and watch this...should take about 10 minutes... I do believe that Canada is the same with this ISSUE
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1jqLximBZI please take the 10 mins and watch this...very informative...I do believe Canada is the same.
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