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About fishsmasher

  • Birthday 01/16/1968

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  1. i love to hear from different anglers about there line selection and with what bait ,always good to get another opinion
  2. thanks roy for your support
  3. express i applaud you amazing ,i agree thats fantastic i have a ton of those pics as well keep up the good work
  4. i agree with you i was just using my club as an example ,due to the fact that it is there that i can relate my experiences ,but make no mistake we will be successfully in bringing new people into the sport of tournament fishing, kids ,teenagers,and grown ups ,i would hope for the support of every tournament angler out there
  5. also guys there is a bait call the jackal squirrel dd its comparable to the lucky craft DD ,awesome bait ,set the hook has them ,there about the same price as a lucky ,but i love my Lucky's as well.
  6. Roy, Just for the record, our club dose not require a junior member to pay for a membership...its free. The children of our members are always welocome and encouraged to participate in club functions & events. What we are promoting is getting kids involved in a great Canadian pastime, something that they can share with their family, freinds and hopefully one day they too can pass on the tradition. In my opinion Roy, the attitude you just displayed is what is WRONG with the sport today, saying this not as an insult, but rather lets just stop and think for a minute rather than assume & make false judements about others and organizations. What I had posted was simply my opinion based on my observations, hence the phrase "just my 2 cents" . I hold a great amount of respect for the OFC community and yourself or I would not have advertised on this site. There are alot of subjects & opinions I may not agree with, but without knowing first hand what they're intentions or goals are, I would never make a statement like that. Again, I am not trying to make this personal, I want it to be known that my intentions are to try to get all those who enjoy the multitude of outdoor activities that we enjoy, to be on the same page. Yours Truly, Sandy Figliomeni www.megacitybassanglers.com
  7. Well being a director of A club promoting members to bring there kids out to the events,I can say that , seeing there faces light up every time they come to a meeting ,and watching them get involved in the discussion is the most gratifying prize any one can ask for.Talking to these junior members they have told me they are very excited in competing in a tournament ,also they are looking forward to fishing with some of the premier anglers in the sport today from our club.As for pushing a child into competitive fishing i do not agree with that ,i agree that making a child or a teenager make his own choice ,to a degree.For example any hockey mom or dad has gone through a child telling them that they have wanted to quit at one time or another ,but we push them to at least finish what they started ,and 8 times out of ten they end up sticking with it because they fall in love with it.If they decide it isn't for them well thats great to , sitting on a dock relaxing with the child is great as well .My point is this as long as we tournament anglers and outdoor enthusiast's try to keep our kids interested in the outdoors, the sport of fishing ,hunting, camping ,rock climbing, etc.......... will be part of our heritage for many years to come.Sitting here criticizing each other on our outdoor interests will only give others that don't enjoy the things we do more fuel to put on the fire. hey just my 2 cents.... yours truly sandy figliomeni www.megacitybassanglers.com
  8. hey brian i like the mega-city shirt lol there one avalible for you .how you been bud long time no hear ,where you fishing this year
  9. lol remember how loud they were screamming lol ,are you comming out to the next meeting ,and i hope you join the club brian ,we need good people like you bud
  10. im tring to find out where a good place to go for a fun fishing trip in the states the first weekend in june ,any one have any ideas?
  11. we are a non proffit club dedicated to getting new people to the turnament fishing sport,if you want to know more you can call me and i will tell you all about it sandy@6472032974
  12. for real ,but you know i was not that warm with it on my hunting suit is warmer
  13. where can i get the coverage of the 2007 bassmaster classic ,is there a place to buy it
  15. Here is a bunch of guys having fun http://www.limitout.net/02-05-07.html http://www.limitout.net/icefish_2007.html
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