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Posts posted by Muskieman

  1. I have our units running as good as our cable provider , live Tv at the same time as the cable provider , most streams in HD , infinite hunting and fishing add ons , LIVE SPORTS even blacked out hockey games and free UFC events , I'll be one of the first to admit that it's not as user friendly as cable or satellite TV , there is a learning curve , but once you've straightened out the curve , it's as easy as pie , we still have cable , mainly because we'd only save 12$/mo by removing it from our bundle , but I haven't watched it in weeks.

    No quality live sports is Bull , no 11o'clock news is Bull , no Jeopardy or Judge Judy is Bull ..

    DONT PAY MORE THAN 150$$ ...

    Message me before you buy one please , wish I were closer , I'd hook you up for about 90$



  2. Walleye fishing on Tomiko is VERY good in June , especially in the evening , as for Perch , don't count on any big size or numbers , you'll get a whole lot of Rock Bass and Smallies , when you catch a Pike it's usually a decent 5lb or more specimen .

    Jig / worm / Dace / leech is all you need , although trolling a deep diving crankbait is also quite productive , just stay out of the Tomiko River as it's a sanctuary until July 15th.


    Randy .

  3. Probably a little different than the old 377 eh?


    It's not my style but it's definitely a sweet sled.

    Quite the difference from a Safari 377 , wasn't what I was really looking for , but I couldn't go wrong with the price , 2900kms , 700$ worth of helmets ( new in box I got to pick ) 200$ with of mitts , new .. 2016 trail pass , full tank of gas + 40$ gas card , 6800$ .... bought for 17000 $ new .

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