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Everything posted by ribak

  1. Hey, we were there last year around this time with bunch of friends....most of the time was spent drinking, but of course we got out a few times..in the morning/evening, under the bridge can be good for wallys, we got a few decent ones up to 4.5 pounds down there...you can rent a canoe, and go out towards the main lake, and fish along the weedlines, and you should get decent numbers of bass and walleye, and of course musky is a possibility! Hope to see some pictures next week!
  2. Hey everyone My whole family is going up to shadow lake to view a cottage in the northern part of the lake, and want to do some fishing after.. 3 of us want to fish, and the ladies want to relax, lie on a beach I was wondering, if there are any public places to relax/lie on a beach if there is one on the lake (whether its Norland or other areas around the lake). Also how is the fishing there, i know theres bass, walleyes, and muskies - although not expecting much at all Any help would be great Will post pictures tomorrow, if anything worth bragging about Cheers Mike
  3. Hey everyone, hope the season is going well for everyone. Im looking to take the family up to the bancroft area to a cottage/lodge for a weekend soon, and was wnodering which lakes are good for fishing, whether its pike, walleye, whitefish, or lakers... anywhere between toronto and bancroft would be suitable thanks in advance
  4. Hey guys, been a while since i was on this. About a month ago, I was asking people regarding scottsmans point on buckhorn lake, as i was going up there with a couple friends. well i never got a change to write a report, but here it is. I was only up for 3 days, and we rented a boat for 24 hours from 4pm until 4pm the following day. We decided to go for a couple hours that night, i wish i could have gone for a while longer, but being the only fisherman out of the group, it was hard enough to convince them to go for the couple hours. Well we fished the bay just to the left of the point, first getting a couple small largies and perch on spinners and husky jerks in about 8-10 fow, nothing to brag about. Then we decided to try the deeper water for some smallmouth/walleye, and after getting a couple smallies under a pound, i got a nice 3.5 pounder on a black spinnerbait. That was it for the night. That fish being 17.5 inches was 0.25 inches short for the weekly best for bass in the resort, which i guess wasnt too bad. The next day we got up at 5, and fished until around 11, getting probably about a dozen largies up to 1.5 pounds, with my friend getting his first fish of his life, being a scrappy 1lb bass, he was obv. happy. I kept trying for musky the whole morning, going after my first one, but didnt even get a follow, ah well, next time i guess. That was it for our fishing, as it seemed useless to fish from shore, plus bbqing and drinking took up the rest of the evening/following day. Then this past long weekend, I made it up to bancroft, to help my parents out with the annual mineral show, and do some fishing/camping with family and some family friends. We made it out twice fishing. First one was a late evening (6pm-8pm) trip to baptiste lake, being a completely waste of time, as we were only able to get sunfish/rock bass/perch with nothing too interesting. Then on saturday night after the show (at 7pm) we went to a lake in wilberfoce, which has a decent population of bass and lakers, but being from shore we obv. targeted bass. Surprisingly using worms, the action was non-stop. In 2 hours of fishing, we caught about 50-60 bass, and 20 or so perch/rock bass, with many bass being in the 2lb range. The biggest was a nice 3.5 pounder. What was interesting, which I noticed in the past number of years in this particular lake, is that at around 8;30, bass completely stop biting for 10 minutes, and then rock bass start biting non-stop!! i guess the darkness kicks in, and rockies with their crazy eyes get into the action. We k ept about 10 fish, and cooked them with potatoes and onions wrapper in aluminum in hot coals, making for a very nice dinner. I did not get any pictures from bancroft/wilberforce, however my buddy has some pics from buckhorn, but really taking his time putting them on his computer. I will post them once he sends me them. Good fishing to all Mike
  5. I fished there a couple times before. THere are pike, bass and lake trout, although lakers are tough at this time of year. THe lake is split into 2 halves, I would recommend taking a canoe, and taking it to the other side of the road, through a tunnel under a road. Right before the tunnel, there is a little hole in the water, it always produced 2+ pike within 15 minutes, so give it a try. We got some decent pike and bass in 10-15 fow on the other side, and give little bays a try, you should be just fine. Write a report once your back, and good luck!!
  6. thank guys, i really appreciate your responses...i will definately report after my trip!!
  7. Hey guys My friend rented a cottage at the Scotsman Point Resort, and I will be there from saturday until tuesday. I willprobably rent a boat for a day, but aside from that, will probably be fishing from shore. Can anyone recommend any places to go to get into bass/walleye, and hopefully my first ever musky. Also if there are any carp there, i wouldnt mind fishing for them, since i am off shore anyways. Any help will be helpfull. I will bring my camera, and report whatever hapens.
  8. Hey guys just got back from the cottage, didnt do as much fishing as expected, because my buddy didnt get his boating licence, so we were limited to a canoe. It was in the west bay of the lake, and we fished in the area close to his cottage. I got one pike about 25' and lost another one, that must have been a bit bigger. Got a couple small largies, and several HUGE rock bass, all on husky jerks and spinnerbaits. It was a good getaway none the less.
  9. Hey guys Im going there to a buddys cottage monday-wednesday, and will be bringing my rods upthere. I will be trying for bass/pike obviously, any hints on good areas and baits this time of year? Also I wanted to give carp a try, before its too late, didnt get any yet this year, and cant leave that hole empty. I will post a report as soon as I get back, and will post pictures!! Take it easy everyone Mike
  10. Sturgeon...i think if it was between a 50 inch musky, a 30 pound laker and a 80 pound sturgeon, it would be a simple decision
  11. Jediangler...I used different colored jigs with white twister tail grubs, because i do well with that on pike in other lakes, but had no takers. And about crappie, I know theyre in there, and some people do well, but I only catch them accidentally there once in a while. Either way its a nice lake not far from the city with good summer and winter action.
  12. Hey guys, havent posted on here in a while, due to exams, but since those are done, did a little fishing, and wanted to write a quick report for anyone who might be interested. So made it out to Orangeville (island lake) today with my paps for a couple hours, and to my surprise only saw one other boat out there. Started out pretty nicely, got 2 pike within 15 minutes, nothing spectacular up to 20 inches, and a largie around 3 pounds and 18 inches. Took a quick pic and back they went, Im not sure if the pic will work, never posted pic before. After that we couldnt get anything to bite for a while, while the other boat was doing well, at around 11 they said they had around 10 pike and 1 bass. We tried everything, but couldnt get to those numbers. Got 2 more largies, one at 3lb the other at 1lb, 1 more pike at around 18inches, and 2 perch at 11 and 9 inches. We tried everything, but all 8 fish were caught on x-raps (bass and pike on the large one and perch on the little one). Sorry team 2, I didnt bring my OFC sign for the bass, and didnt want to make one on the spot because I didnt wanna keep them out of the water for too long. Not a bad day overall, only bad thing was our battery died as we decided to leave, so had to paddle all the way back from the other side of the lake, but good exercise nonetheless. Good luck everyone Mike
  13. Hey guys. Im gona take out my boat for the first time with paps and uncle, and wanted to go try for Pike in Georgian bay somewhere. Has anyone been out there this year yet? and where in the bay is a good place to try for the gators. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I will definately report how it goes when we get back.
  14. hey bassmaster, regardin that bowfin They can be caught in many shallow weedy waters across ontario, but i know many that are caught at the mouth of moon river the most. This one i caught in holland river (south of simcoe) about 10km from cooks bay fishing for carp. We were using corn for carp (did pretty well, caught a 29 pounder a year prior) but had some minnows for crappie, and this badboy hit on a minnow early in the morning. Fights like crazy, does not give up the whole time. I know many people here have caught bowfins, so maybe someone else can be of more help good luck
  15. bargnani should be back this friday...hopefully hes in full form one thing thats great about the raptors is their depth, some teams rely heavily on 1 or 2 players, but after bosh, raps have some great secondary players seems like raps can beat anyone in the east except possibly detroit (yes they can handle chi-town, miami, and cleveland)
  16. so i guess mooneye are not so uncommon...I always thought they were northern water fish yeah oanananiche are landlocked, and theres a very small populatio of them in a couple lakes (trout lake beside nipissing i think). Ive caught a bowfin as well in holland river that was 8 pounds, all i can say is WHAT A FIGHT
  17. Im just going through Ontario fish list, and some of these I never caught or some never even heard of. Im wondeing if anyone had any experience catching some of these: gizzard shad bloater longnose sucker quillback carpsucker ouananiche even mooneye, goldeye, eels, and other non-common fish any stories such as how they fight/taste/locations/bait and others would be great... seems like an interesting topic
  18. How can you say the west sucks?? Detroit, Anaheim, even vancouver and dallas always perform well...sens and sabres are probably better because of the new nhl made for quicker and younger players, but you cant look at stats to say whether a team is good or not, look at edmonton last year....regular season is completely different from playoffs....unfortunately all the hope is left on the raptors!! GO RAPS
  19. Hey guys, I just joined the new format site, used to be russianfisherman on the old one, no idea why it didnt let me use my old username to login. anywho, hope everyone is having a good hard season...im so far 0/2. Probably heading out to Black lake near coldwater tomorrow, does anyone have any idea how its been up there?? Used to catch alot of crappie in the past. Any help would be appreciated. Thakns and take care guys
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