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About doack

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  1. Thanks for taking time Hoosier, received a pm from another guy with some great info also, now the clock is REALLY going slow! Can't wait. Take care, Doug
  2. Headed up to Happy Day Lodge in a month, never been there, but many say its a great fishing lake for a drive in. I am staying at the outpost camp with one veteran of many trips with me, two teenagers, and two first timers, and would love to keep them interested lol. Any tips, looking for walleye, pike and smallies. Pretty good with first two, but not much on the small mouth. Baits, where to target, times of day, anything along those lines would be great. Are the portage lakes worth the trip? Any reports from those that have been there this year? Thanks in advance Doug
  3. Thanks Rodcaster, is the Radisson made in same plant in North Bay, or is it a sister company somewhere else? And is it the same exact canoe, or is there a difference between Radisson and Sportspal?
  4. http://www.meyersboat.com/sportspal/ It shows here that sportspal is made in US, and I believe the Radisson is made in Canada. Not a pissing match, was just wondering if you guys are talking the sportspal from US or Radisson from Canada. Anyways, I could care less where its made, whats your thoughts on Radisson canoes, are they junk, or same thing with lighter gauge aluminum? Lots of conflicting information on google when you type in sportspal and radisson.
  5. When you are talking Sportspal, are you talking the Radisson canoe, or the American made Sportspal. Aren't they the same thing?
  6. Well, I can certaily start posting the pm's between us the last couple of years, just say the word. I put it behind me,and even quit coming to the board, but I will tell you this, he is not a very truthful fella all the time...
  7. He Knows what I am implying...
  8. unless you are American right Solo....
  9. Anyone else getting red "X" for pics? I am at work, but can get photobucket pictures, not sure why I am not seeing them. I am sure they are great though TDunn knows his fishing..
  10. Thanks TDunn, your lakes you suggested were next in line if we couldn't make it to where we wanted! I am targeting those lakes next year for a trip with my sons, need something with a little less portaging to get too. Take care.
  11. Definetly give it a shot if you have the chance, well worth and just a great great get away, just wish I lived closer! Only advise would be pack light, no unnessasary things, we learned alot lugging stuff we didn't need all over the bush.
  12. I knew that one would come up, lol. Batteries popped out of camera on the portages, didn't think to reset everything. I am sure you would agree though that we wouldn't have been in shorts and t-shirts in October up there! Thanks all on the comments...
  13. I gave it a shot editing the message HTHM, and I am either an idiot, or, well, yeah, probably just an idiot. But all it did was show the img box address in between some {IMG} things, no pics. Oh well, hope all enjoyed the pics, great trip!
  14. We caught probably 15 of those, we took the side by side to show the difference.
  15. Well, finally made it up on the long anticipated trip north of Chapleau. We drove for 9 hours to get to Chapleau, another 1 1/2 hours on the logging roads to get to the point of our first portage. We scouted a bit for our entry point, and exit, and then it started raining pretty good, and we chose to not push it into the woods and try to beat sun down. Great move come morning as we found that we had one extra portage, and the 3 portages all tolled about 4 hours of back breaking work, all worth it though. Once we got to lake we intended to get to, we set up camp, and hydrated until gills started sprouting in our necks, can't tell you how crucial water and gatoraide is on one of these. Now to the fishing, couldn't have had a better time, in 2 1/2 days we caught over a 100 walleye, and about 30 pike, the pike were almost all deep, very few in the weed bed areas which kind of surprised us. We didn't hit a monster for either walleye or pike, but the walleye were up to 24" and fat and healthy, and the biggest pike was 32", again fat and healthy. Only saw one bear on trip, cruising a beach on the lake, took off as soon as we tried to get closer in the canoe for a pic though, no problems with them at camp or on portages. Keep it clean, keep them away! I for the life of me can't figure out how to get the pics posted in multiples, so here is a link to the photobucket site with them. Tons of fun, can't wait to do it again, and after this trip, will be packing much lighter and smarter! Enjoy the pics. http://s241.photobucket.com/albums/ff272/doack/ If anyone has a pointer on adding multiples, please let me know.
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