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About lunker07

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  1. howsw it goin all I've got a couple of buddies going on a fly-in soon I was just wonerin what your favorite outfitter was and why? Please rank out 10 in the following categories; Big Fish? Fish Consistency? Utilities? Water qualitiy? Courtesy? Experience? Feel free to add any notes and please give any information you have about the lodge... thanks plenty
  2. I know you don't want to hear this but I wouldn't buy that motorguide unless it was for an exceptionally good deal. The shafts are good on them but just about everythinkg else is not..... I owned a motor guide and dreaded the day I bought it, I fish in tournaments and demand a lot out of my trolling motor and motorguide could not do the job. My advice to you is if your going to invest the money, do right the first time. There's no need for you to waste your time and money on a flop. Go with the minnkota MAXXUM, their everything a trolling motor should be......
  3. Went fishing on tuesday night at my hut in Lefroy and it looked like it was sinking, Turns out the waters flooding right now, if you punch a hole expect a gyser and three inches of water at your feet.... There was about six inches of water surrounding my hut, and after talking to a bunch of guys it seems its happening to every one, So I just thought I would warn anyone who has a hut in Lefroy to raise it before it might get flash frozen into the flooded water or before the water gets into the hut.
  4. Now this is what I love about this board, the bombardment of replies and welcomes... I have been a long time watcher, and now I finally got the experience..... To answer some questions. Tinbanger: I fish on the Sturge most often. irishfield: Nothing wrong with marring at 20 EddyK: No sorry I don't know those people, but Ilook for them now. Gbay Giant: Yeah sure I trade you and I'll even autograph it...
  5. That muskie was so fiecre that it gave one look at my brother and actually made hime fall out of the picture....
  6. Well boys and girls, I guess I should introduce myself to the class...... Name: Greg Ostrowski DOB: 31/10/1986 Home Town: Tottenham Schooling: Mechanical Engineering Technology Auto Product Design Home Lake: Sturgeon Lake/Cameron Lake Funny Fact: I bought a boat at 16 before a car... Boat: 1987 Grumman GMF w/ 60HP Evinrude VRO Big Fish: Largemouth - 5lbs 5 oz Smallmouth - 2lb 13oz Walleye - 4lbs 9 oz Muskie - 42" Pike - ?" Crappie - ? who measures crappie Perch - Look above Rainbow - 4lbs ?oz Brown - 8lbs ?oz Chinook - 18lbs ?oz Goby - ? Type of Fishing: Everything but fly, its not worth it.... Bass fishing is the best though Best Tournament Position: Tied 12th on Sparrow and 17th overall with 4 out of 5 events fished in BM100 league. # of Tournament seasons: 2, with many many more to come. Sponsors: None Spouse: None.....come on I'm only 20 Children: 3.........kidding Most importantly Pet peeve: People with no fishing/boating etiquette, which you can rant about all you want on these boards, but no matter what, the people that have this issue aren't the one on these boards. So there's no winning. Look at the pic it's Meeeeeeee
  7. Thanks guys
  8. I was wondering if anybody has some contact information for the any of the lefroy hut operators, I was hoping to give them a ring tommorrow but don't have a number to call. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys Greg O
  9. I know it's winter and all but I was wondering to myself while ice fishing what everyone does with their plastic baits after they're done with them. So I started this poll. By the way I am new to this Board, I will post my intro later. Thanks and be honest......
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