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Bob Mann Sr

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Everything posted by Bob Mann Sr

  1. Fianlly some old time hockey. We talked about it at work last night. Made me feel alive agian about hockey. Back in late 70's and 80's there were great fights all the time. Now it's like watching figure skating with sticks. Some great skating but need more hitting and fighting for entertainment. Just my thought. jigger
  2. I just fouind out you can bring fish back as long as there dead. So much for the 1/2 pound penalty for bringing in a dead fish. We just lost two and half pounds of wieght. jigger
  3. I guess I should have explain why Iam concerned. I live on Lake St Clair. I fish the FLW/BFL out of Michigan on Lake St Clair. Last year I won that event by fishing in canadian waters 6 miles in to the lake in Canadian water. Taken my fish back to Michigan to weigh in. www.greatlakesbass.com will have up dates about this Federal mandate by Sunday night or Monaday. jigger
  4. There seems to be a law that if you fish in Canadian waters you can not bring fish back into Michigan to weigh in. Has any one heard of this jigger Bob Mann Sr.
  5. Hey everyone Sorry, I haven't been on line for a while. Been travelling doing sports shows. Having a blast meeting so many new people. I can not figure out how to put pics on net to show you guys my new F150 with my sponsor decals on it, You guys gave me great advise and it realy paid off. Iam know in talks with a local radio station to do fishing reports and have the rest of my truck decaled with there cool logo's. Picked up a pool place as a sponsor. Splender Pools here in Windsor. That was a great one. Just by doing what you guys told me to do. Please e-mail me to tell me how to get pics on site. jigger Bob Mann Sr.
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