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Posts posted by fishergirl72

  1. Well I finally got to read this month's Ontario Out Of Doors :Gonefishing: magazine and of course I was anxious to read Bob McGary's article on the Great Lake Steelheads with our very own Shawn Patrick aka..Fishndevil! It was a very intersting read. Last summer Shawn was very excitied about taking Bob out fishing on Lake O and Bob learned a great deal from Shawn and the other great fishermen that were mentioned in the article. :thumbsup_anim: This will be something that Shawn will remember for years to come and having the chance of doing something like that, is very rare. It took alot of years, time, knowledge and work to become the kind of fisherman that Shawn has become. I am very proud of him and he deserved this opportunity, he has worked VERY hard for this! :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Well after days of working on that beautiful trophy, you did an awesome job! :thumbsup_anim::clapping: but honestly I cannot wait until that BIG trophy goes somewhere else since we don't have the room and I am tired of tripping over the dang thing!LOL :whistling::blink::D But now watch by my luck, Shawn will win his own trophy and it will come back here.LOL :w00t: Seriously though, You did a great job and it was VERY kind of you to make that for a fun tournament and the promotion of Catch and Release is a great and smart idea! You should take pride in the work that you have done! :thumbsup_anim: I just wish I could go to BOQ this year, but work calls so I hope maybe that next year I can be able to go. I have not ever been there yet and I would love to go there someday :angel: I wish you luck Shawn on the tournament and I know that you will have a GREAT weekend of fishing and fun! :Gonefishing: You deserve it after you work so hard for this family and of the two surgeries that you had in the last couple of months! :thumbsup_anim: GO SHAWN GO!!!!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLIFF!!!!! I hope that you had a great one, from the look of your other post, you got some amazing gifts! You derserve them and I hope you enjoy giving them a great workout! :thumbsup_anim: Angelina's birthday was today too, she turned six. We got her the Baby Alive doll, that she has been asking for, for a year now.LOL :thumbsup_anim: She said it was the best birthday ever, of course.LOL. :clapping: Again, Happy Birthday buddy! :P:D

  4. You both did SO amazing for the couple of days that you were fishing! :thumbsup_anim: It works out perfectly for us, I take care of the homefront, and you do what you love and I am always happy when you have great days fishing, you well deserve it and we have great dinners because of you. :whistling::clapping: Aren't you glad that I told you to say there for the night since the fishing was great???LOL :devil::D:clapping: And Ernie, you did awesome for yourself and I hope that the fish keep biting, it will keep you busy for awhile :D Again, YOU GUYS DID AMAZING!!!!

  5. Congrats Julie! Good to see you on the site again!


    Thanks Cliff! I have been so busy, I just started a new job cleaning the family court house here in Oshawa so I have not had alot of time to do anything but like always it is great to be back! :thumbsup_anim:

  6. I just wanted to thank K-Dawg for the awesome t-shirt and amazing decals that I won for the month of August!

    I didn't even know that I won until I checked the mail today and found a package addressed to me, I automatically thought it was for Shawn until I saw my name on the package.LOL :clapping: Thank you again K-Dawg for the awesome prize! :w00t: I will wear that shirt with pride! :thumbsup_anim: And I would also like to thank OFC for having such a great community going (the best), and I would like to thank Shawn for telling me about this great site and showing me how fun fishing can be! :thumbsup_anim:

  7. Definitely addicting fishergirl72!!!! While replying to a PM i got from a member, the pot of water i was boiling to cook my bait (corn on the cob) boiled dry. OOP's.


    Went fishing as a little girl with my brother too.(on the Thames River in London) Closest i got to the fish was carrying the gear, and running our bikes up and down the hill.


    Now he has a boat, and fishes most weekends but no women allowed, especially related ones. He guards fishing info from me like it's a national security issue. Maybe he fears being out fished by his sister????? Calling Dr. Phil. Just makes me more determined to learn though. You are so right. There is soooo much to learn.


    Nice hearing from you fishergirl72.


    Well I hope that the corn did not ruin on you? :unsure: , I told you this was addicting....gets worse.LOL :thumbsup_anim: I think I caught one fish when I was younger, and I was 18!LOL :lol: You are not allowed on his boat?????? well that's not fair and maybe you can change that one day :whistling: get your own and no boys allowed.LOL :lol: Imagine a Dr.Phil show based on fishing and the women that aren't allowed to go :w00t: That would be different and very intresting! I hope to chat with you alot more! :clapping: It was great to meet you.

  8. Thanks fishergirl72. Have enjoyed reading your posts. Can tell you are a skilled fisher woman, and that you are lots of fun too.


    Was very anxious about posting. Has taken me a couple months to get the nerve to do it. It is very nice of you to take the time to acknowledge and reply.


    Cheers to you and your family.


    Well thank you for the kind words Carpe Diem, actually I just started fishing about 4 years ago, and I still have tons to learn! I did fish when I was a little girl, but I was never taught properly about fishing. You never have to be anxious about posting, you will start finding it addicting and your friends list will grow. Since I have joined, I have met alot of great people here. If you ever have questions or you need help or info, feel free to ask, people are pretty cool here :thumbsup_anim::clapping:

  9. Other than the garbage throwers, my next pet peeve are the guy(s) on another boards (ONE, especially) who are ALWAYS bragging about catching & releasing (outta 70+' of water) 20 or more whitefish & a few trout, then have the nerve to berate me for taking a trout, my 2 whitefish or a couple dozen perch home to eat. But . . . . more and more, others are speaking up about seeing 'floaters,' (that the C & R guys proudly released with blown bladders) near where the crowds are fishing. I hate seeing good edible fish turned into seafgull fodder even more than I hate seein' 'em caught illegally!!


    One peeve I have yet to see mentioned . . . and my bet is, SOME of you are guilty of such . . . . . without ever giving it a thought! DISCARDING CIGARETTE BUTTS!! About a month ago, I was fishing the Ganny, on the west side parking lot, just south of the footbridge. VERY slow day . . . I'm bored . . . area only had a couple coffee cups and bait containers laying around . . . . . AHA!! CIGARETTE BUTTS . . . . LOTSA CIGARETTE BUTTS, from Saturday & Sunday's fishin' crowds!! So, I took a plastic container outta the garbage, and walked about a 200' stretch of riverbank, up to 20' back of the water . . . . . . ONE HUNDRED & SEVENTY SEVEN discarded butts!! When ya look along ANY well-fished shoreline, it's the same . . . . are cigarette butts NOT considered garbage? (And shore anglers are NOT the only guilty ones, I see plenty of boaters flickin' their butts overboard without another thought?) Any comments on THIS??


    I totally agree with you Photoz about the ciggerette butts! I take my empty timmy's cup with a little water in it and put my butts in there and after I come in after being out on the water, I throw it in the garbage bin.

  10. What I cannot stand the most is when you got your lines in the water, and people are ripping up and down the waters with NO respect to the fishermen and they scare the fish away and almost take your lines with them :angry: and another thing I cannot stand is when people drink and boating! :wallbash: That is the very same thing as drinking and driving and they put their's, other people's safety and lives at risk :stretcher: and they have gull just to leave the booze bottles or cans laying around on the ground or in our waters and they acts like complete idiots on the water! :angry: And when you are catching fish that you are working hard for other people see it and start moving your way and sit about 2 feet away hoping that they will catch what you are and on purpose they force you out of your honey hole! :dunno: I feel like hitting them against the forehead with my rod.LOL :w00t: Ok, I think I am done now.LOL :thumbsup_anim:

  11. Welcome aboard Marc! :thumbsup_anim: I want to thank you for what you do for our country! My family lives in Pembroke and you might even know my brother-in-law, he is also stationed in Petawawa. You will really like it here. :clapping:

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