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Everything posted by trasker
Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts, just found these posts about Daniel. I had posted an update on the other post "Missing Outdoorsman - Temagami Area" and just fount this one. Here is what I posted back on June 11, 2015. Bittersweet news, but we can now end our journey of uncertainty. For an update on the MibSAR search resulting in finding some remains of Daniel on May 24, 2015, news links, and the Celebration held on Sun. June 7, 2015, which is also Daniel's Birthday, go to the website page www.danieltrask.ca Thanks to all of you on this forum who have helped in keeping our message out there and supporting us to help find Daniel, greatly appreciated. Don and Maureen Trask (Daniel's Parents)
Bittersweet news, but we can now end our journey of uncertainty. For an update on the MibSAR search resulting in finding some remains of Daniel on May 24, 2015, news links, and the Celebration held on Sun. June 7, 2015, which is also Daniel's Birthday, go to the website page www.danieltrask.ca Thanks to all of you on this forum who have helped in keeping our message out there and supporting us to help find Daniel, greatly appreciated. Don and Maureen Trask
2014 update on our search for Daniel: 2014 Updated flyer: http://therucksack.tripod.com/MiBSAR/Cases/Trask/TraskPoster2014.pdf MibSAR Spring search results and upcoming search plans (Aug. 29 - Sept. 7): http://therucksack.tripod.com/MiBSAR/Cases/Trask/Trask.html#Updates Current Ottertooth thread: http://www.ottertooth.com/discus/messages/3/135293.html?1402189548 Map of items found:
Daniel's been missing for over 2 years now, and still no physical signs of him. Updates will continue on the Ottertooth Temagami forum if any further evidence or leads. Once again, we appreciate all the support and assistance we get from communities like this one. Ottertooth Temagami News Brief http://www.ottertooth.com/Temagami/newsbriefs.htm Ottertooth Temaagami forum for Daniel, ALERT-Missing Person Daniel Trask http://www.ottertooth.com/discus/messages/3/129857.html?1372649740 Daniel's site by MibSAR, with search updates and 2014 search plans http://therucksack.tripod.com/MiBSAR/Cases/Trask/Trask.html Daniel Trask is Missing page on FB https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Daniel-Trask-is-Missing/141269306065266?fref=ts
big guy, Daniel did not take our canoe from home. Although there were an abundance of canoes at Camp Wanapitei and stashed canoes up there, we believe he was walking the shoreline. But, no way of knowing for sure. A number of abandoned canoes were found and checked, but no evidence of use by Daniel. Again, so many possibilities. At least we know he is/was in this specific area, narrowing our search down to about 50kms. When he went missing (Nov. 3, 2011) the small waterways were beginning to freeze up, but there were a few warm days where water travel may have been possible. Based on where his winter clothing and back pack were found, we believe he was walking.
Summer Search Update: Great news, Daniel's back pack was found on Aug. 12, 2013 by MibSAR team and it was recovered by the OPP the next day. Another piece to the puzzle, now we just need to find Daniel! Next search planned for Sept. 13-23, 2013. For details, see the update on Ottertooth: http://www.ottertooth.com/discus/show.cgi?tpc=3&post=18201#POST18201 Also: MibSAR have setup a site for Daniel's case: http://www.tinyurl.com/DanielTrask I have attached the current flyer (will need to update again) and a link to a FB page for Daniel: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Daniel-Trask-is-Missing/141269306065266?ref=hl Anyone in this area should remain on the lookout for signs of Daniel, he's there somewhere. Dan Flyer Aug 2013.pdf
A digital version of the Reader's Digest article in the Jan. 2013 edition titled "Vanishing Point" is available online, starting on page 74 http://ca.zinio.com/reader.jsp?issue=416246661&o=int&offer=500149029&pub=500313358&prev=sub This is the same story of Daniel previously published in Explore Magazine, fall 2012 edition titled "Into the Light", written by Conor Mihell.
Daniel is still missing, hoping 2013 is the year for answers. For those following Ottertooth updates, we had to start a new page, prior one filled up. Here is a link to the new page http://www.ottertooth.com/discus/messages/3/75578.html?1347565605 We appreciate all the information, leads and support from the Ontario Fishing Community. Please continue to spread the word about Daniel missing and be on the lookout if in this area.
Thanks Mike for your thoughts and prayers. Like you, there are many who have ventured on their own to find their way. We find solace in knowing Daniel is where he would want to be and was following his own journey his way. It's still difficult, not knowing one way or the other if he is alive or with the spirits. So, we will continue to search, hoping to get this troubling question answered...
Hi kickingfrog, the article is a "condensed" version of the original article in Explore Magazine, fall edition. Here's a link http://explore-mag.c...d-a-missing-man I should also mentioned that we had to start a new page on ottertooth, the original is now archived. Here's a link to the news brief http://www.ottertoot...efs-133.htm#no3 along with a link to the latest forum page http://www.ottertoot...html?1351874553 We appreciate all the support and ask that those in the area remain on the lookout. We will resume our search in the spring, unless something turns up before that, patience...
Yes, Daniel has a great love and respect for nature, particularly the beautiful and spiritual Temagami backcountry. He loves to fish, ever since he was little. Appriciate any help in trying to find him. If anyone is familiar with this area, please pay special attention to what to look for and what to do if found. Focus on Diamond Lake and Lady Evelyn near the liftover area, but also surrounding area. Daniel was resourceful and could have gotten further than we believe. For a complete read of the Ottertooth forum since Nov. 15, 2011, here's a link to the first page (over 10 pages have been archived with over 250 posts, use the previous/next link to view archived pages): http://www.ottertooth.com/discus/show.cgi?tpc=3&post=15999#POST15999
NOTE: We have updated Daniel's flyer (attached) since his winter clothing was found on May 20, 2012. Paddle with Purpose: If you are in the Temagami Diamond or Lady Evelyn lake areas, please be on the lookout. What to look for and what to do if you spot anything is detailed on the revised flyer, thanks for your help in our continued search for Daniel. The Ottertooth forum will continue to be updated with information and leads: http://www.ottertooth.com/discus/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=3&page=71257
Hi: I see you are from Kitchener, we are actually in Waterloo, Daniel was living with us before he went missing. We are in the process of planning a spring search, so any help from your search commander would be appreciated. You can email me any contact info at [email protected] thks.
Hard to believe Daniel is missing for 5 months now. We are hoping for the ice to be out soon, so we can do shoreline searches and checking spots where we believe he may be, it's such a large area though. If you can remind the spring fisherpersons to keep an eye out for Daniel, greatly appreciated. I should also mention that the Sudbury SARs team (work with the military) did an air "training" exercise in mid Jan. to search for Daniel, 6 planes, 12 searchers, but negative. Conditions were exceptional, couldn't be better, but no signs. Thanks again to those who are going out of their way to search for our son.
Hi: I'm Daniel's mom, I've been asking if there was professional search and rescue coordinator, would love to know more, contact me via email, thanks.
Hi, I'm Daniel's mom, Maureen. We have been working closely with the OPP for ground, air and water search efforts. This includes the Bear Island Police doing shoreline water search. The problem is we don't know exactly where he is. OPP have also done ground search with dogs, as well as Daniel Cyr from Massey, who volunteered his dog (Hunter) search services several times, and he plans to continue again. We were fortunate to have an expert of this area, Hap Wilson assist with OPP ground and air search efforts. They are now waiting for snow, will then decide if another flyover is doable, looking for tracks or signs of Daniel. My husband, Don, is retired from Kitchener Fire and our older son Adam, is a full time firefighter there now. Everyone is willing to do a search, but I have to agree, these are specific search skills for getting through the bush. My husband has been up twice assisting OPP with search ang providing information about Daniel, where he might go. He too checked out various vacant cabins with a friend, not an easy trek, a definite learning experience for them. Daniel was up there most of the summer canoeing, portaging, living on his own in the bush - but winter is a different story, and he has no communication devices and no information was shared with us before he left, big puzzle for us to put together ! Daniel is very resourceful and can likely find a place and edible plants to feed on. However, we are very concerned for his safety and well being, we need to know he's OK. Please get our message out to trappers, prospectors, snowmoble clubs or winter hiking clubs who may be in this area, every set of eyes will help. We understand that others want to help, but searching through this area must be done in a coordinated way to be most effective and ensure the safety of the volunteers. Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated, tks.