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Posts posted by RJackson

  1. Since I began doing a bit of guiding 3 years ago it's been a really rewarding experience, but every now and then a day on the Lund is a little bit more special compared to others....


    This past Tuesday I had two blind anglers aboard, Lawrence from the http://blindfishingboat.com/

    and his buddy Dirk in the photo below is from Alabama and had high hopes of knocking Lake Trout off his "fish bucket list".


    Watching these two fellas jig for lakers was a treat. They needed very little assistance other than depth we were fishing and where the fish were in the column.


    Dirk set into this one hard and played it like a pro.


    Laying it down in front of him so he could "see" it with his hands may be the neatest things that has ever happened in my boat.





    What a treat.



  2. An annual trip for us, it's some much needed kick back and relax in a lawnchair kinda weekend. Setting up on the Larry for a few days is perfect to fit the bill. The best part about this type of weekend is the ability to have people swing by to sit with us for a visit and hopefully catch a Carp. I think we had a dozen friends and family swing by throughout the weekend...


    This was often the scene....the best.





    The water temps on the Larry are still cold, 52 degrees where we sat. Hardly the temps for high levels of Carp activity but we soldiered on.


    Though the numbers weren't near where they have been in the past the size of the "lumps" that graced us were decent.


    Couple of PB's for my girls....Ariel landed hers early in the weekend.




    Birdee was all smiles with her new PB at 31.7 lbs...Oink!







    More pics can be seen on our site if you need more of a big Goldfish fix!




    It was a mixed bag as to what baits were working. After a steady pile of Maize into the swim, I had a mix of Big Corn, Boilies and Maize on my rigs and none of them were the star.


    Great weekend away, recharged the batteries and made memories with friends and family on the banks of the Larry.



  3. All of Eastern Ontario is a mecca for fishing! Looks like you found some success, great stuff!

    Great report !!!Those perch look tastey for sure.

    X2 for Mississippi Lake !! I had realtives with a cottage there and did alot of Bass fishing there. Caught a few huge Musky in the lake too.

    The ottawa river is a great fishery. Caught my fair share of nice walleye out of Shirleys Bay, in front of Aylmer.


    Mercman, would you have any photos of these Muskies from Mississippi Lake? You aren't the first to claim that they have caught Muskie in there but no one as of yet can prove it via pictures.



  4. Wow, those are some fine specimens! Was there a bait that did the most damage? Nice job!


    Best baits for me this spring have been a two inch tube with a 1/32 oz jighead, no float. Another winner when they are a bit deeper ie. 8-10 FOW is a 1/16ths oz Nuckleball jig with a 2 inch Fluke. Always white so I can watch em disappear!


    Back at em today for one last go with my buddy Markus while he was in town for a few days, they are now post spawn and even more snarly.



  5. Lots of lakes aren't on the chip. Simply reliable data doesn't exist.


    Download Canada Maps on your Iphone. Awesome App. Though it wont show you depths of lakes it does give you exact lay of the land.


    Just make sure you are on a wifi when you start to download the maps.



  6. Crappie! not Crappy!

    What a treat this spring has been on the Crappie hunt. Changed things up and avoided the community holes and set sights on unlocking a few new lakes to us. And unlock em we did. Awesome days were had.

    Lots of guests and loads of fish....





    Lots more pics and a few things we did differently this year to whack the Craps good are here : http://www.rjnbirdeesoutdooradventures.ca/?p=1221

    Have a great long weekend folks! Weather should be great and the fish should be snarly.


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