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Hey guys. So normally I fish the regular style frog with a soft body and twin hooks on the back and it has worked good. Just curious if anyone has tried the hybrid frogs in this FFTROU video? They have weedless treble hooks which I have not tried yet. But it's interesting that it can be a multi purpose lure. Is it worth the switch? Thanks.


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I really don't see a lot of upside to this bait. First, weedless or not, trebles would be my last choice. Maybe they're ok for smaller bass but if you stick a 5lb+ fish in cover, those trebles will straighten right up. I'd stick to a traditional weedless frog with 4.0 or 5.0 hooks instead. Secondly, a pop-R would do the same thing and is also a fantastic open water bait. Finally, the glo-sticks with the little trap door...well, it'll catch a LOT of fisherman. 

Overall, I would say the gent in the video is liking the frog mainly because he's using the wrong rod/reel setup and the trebles hooks allow him to bury the thin wire hooks. If that's the motivation, buy some weedless trebles and switch out the hooks on a pop R. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks for the tip grimsbylander. I haven't had a chance to check out these style of frogs with the compartments so wasn't too sure about it. I still like my regular frog cause it is pretty weedless when retrieving. I'm still pretty new to fishing and haven't tried to use a pop r before. I'm very limited on the lures I use/buy and some can be a bit pricey.

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