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A poem


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My buddy and avid fly fisherman wrote this and I really liked it! Thought you all might enjoy as well!


Glacial Green

When I first seen that mountain stream,
It caught my eye with such a gleam;
I came to learn they call it Glacial Green.

Hearkened the color comes from glacial till and snow.
When you see that color you will know.
You might agree: it’s a stream’s magic show.
It only lasted a day until the rain started to descend.
That brilliant undulance came to an end.
And a brown swirling froth did impend.

Glacial Green, where’d she go!
I need to know...
Glacial Green, I miss you so!

Rain tapered off and the sun made its way.
Espied to find nothing but a grand ole day;
Found myself back down by the stream’s array.
The Green is enhanced by the sun.
Diamonds bounce off the surface and strike you like a gun.
Friend, the sublimity you find is simply bar none.

Some say they prefer a gin flow.
But it’s harder to fool a fish and the water’s so low!
Come...come on brethren it’s gettin green - - let’s go!

Glacial Green, she’s gettin’ clean
She’s turning!
Glacial Green do you know what I mean?

As the water greens the Salmonids stir.
Steelhead ascend for miles: a feat for sure
I admire the chrome fish much like Muir admired Big Sur.

A mysterious and haunting shadow is cast in a pool.
Great fish are you aware of my presence...you’ll...
Tell me Glacial Green: Does he play me like a fool?

Ole Green...she spoke to me in a faint soft cry.
She said, “tie and sink your biggest dressed pink fly;
Soon to cradle rainbow hued steel til you die”.

Glacial Green, she’s gettin’ clean
She’s turning!
Glacial Green you’re the Queen!


Darren dunbar

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