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Walleye population remains stressed but improving



Monday, May 25, 2015 5:02:50 EDT PM

The walleye population in Lake Nipissing remains stressed, but recent legislative changes are helping the young fish mature and reproduce, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

According to statistics presented at a meeting held earlier this month between the MNRF and Lake Nipissing Fisheries Management Plan Advisory Committee there are fewer small walleye being harvested.

Jolanta Kowalski, senior media relations officer for the MNRF said from the preliminary review of data collected indicates an increase in juvenile males at the spawn compared to the two previous years.

“This will allow these young fish the ability to grow to maturity and reproduce.”

It's good news considering the spring walleye assessments in 2014 were poor.

The ministry conducts a walleye spawning assessment at Wasi Falls every spring and released statistics at an invite-only meeting held at the Clarion Resort Pinewood Park earlier this month.

Representatives from a wide variety of groups, including local businesses, municipalities, First Nations, anglers, the Greater Nipissing Stewardship Council and representatives from the Fisheries Management Zone 11 Planning Advisory committee attended the meeting.

The audience heard this year there were 2,303 males and 120 females, which is a large increase compared to 2014 numbers that saw 86 males and 48 females.

Kowalski said fisheries surveys indicate that fewer small walleye are now being harvested by anglers under the new walleye regulation change.

She said additional surveys and time is needed to allow the new regulation to work before a determination can be made regarding harvest trends and population recovery status.

Kowalski said the annual Fall Walleye Index Netting assessment, which has been conducted for the past 17 years, gathers important biological information such as fish length, weight, age and abundance.

She said the results of the 2014 assessment confirm the walleye population remains stressed.

“Young walleye make up the bulk of the population and continue to require protection in order to reach maturity and have a chance to spawn.”

Earlier this year the province approved a five-year management plan for Lake Nipissing's fisheries reinforcing a minimum size limit for walleye that was introduced in 2014.

The new minimum size limit protects walleye up to 46 centimetres, while maintaining the current catch limits, as well as extending the bass season and increasing the catch limit for yellow perch.

The regulation changes, according to the ministry, are intended to help restore the declining walleye population and to increase fishing opportunities among other species.

The ministry has stated in previous interviews that the walleye fishery is in serious decline and is now only half of what it was in the 1980s.

To comment on this story please follow this link to The Nugget's Facebook page.


[email protected]

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So why did the MNR shut down the Stakeholder's Association from harvesting eggs and running their very successful restocking program??.....I just don't get it.

Edited by G.mech
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Heading up for three days this weekend. I don't expect to catch anything that will fall in the slot and allow me to have a meal. And I certainly don't expect to bring any fish home...

Will report back our findings...


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