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Targetting Splake??? Advice Appreciated

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Hey All,

I was thinking that with the potential for late spawning of Pike & Walleye on our home lake, we may try to target splake (& rainbow) to give the P & W a break for opener.

Lake is in zone 15, mid size with a large 60' deep bowl, with lots of transition & structure. Lake is fed by 2 small rivers. We have marked a lot of deep fish in summer & early fall which may back up the stocking information I have found on line.



2004- 5,000 yearlings

2005- 4,000 yearlings



2005- 4,000 yearlings

2001- 2,000 yearlings


Lake Trout

2001- 1,200 17 months RP clip

1966- 2,500 yearling


Our lake is 'lightly' fished (busy day would see 3-4 other boats) and walleye, pike & bass are abundant. I have never seen or talked to any other fishermen who target splake or rainbow. So as I mentioned, I would like to target splake/rainbow starting the middle of this month into early June. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

- lures/bait

- presentation

- trolling speed if applicabe

- line recommendations

- depths or structure to target

- any/all advice


Thx in advance,


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I would be starting in <5' casting cleos and spinners to shoreline structure like boulders and overhanging timber. Trolling sand flats with wabblers and the like behind smaller gangtrolls can also work well. How clear is the water? No reason the splake should be any deeper than 20' during ice out period. They also really, really like worms so if you find an area where you know they're holding but have lockjaw that should do the trick...


As for the rainbows, wait until the water gets a little warmer and just flatline small spinners across the surface of the deepest basins in the lake!

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Egbs, cleos, spiners and especially worm harnesses will catch you numbers of splake, troll the shoreline weaving in and out, 3-15fow. Cast into the trees or overhanging/fallen logs or rockey points. Ive caught many spring splake/brookies and lakers in a foot of water less than 2' from shore!

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I have seen the rainbows in small lakes suspend out over the deep holes in May and caught them on spinners being trolled or tiny twisters being casted. Some swear by those gang trolls (a bunch of large spinners in a row with something at the end for the fish) if the fish are a little deeper.

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good advice from the guys above,


Is it correct that they haven't stocked the lake since 2005? The lakes I fish for stocked trout and splake, they stock every 2nd year


If they haven't stocked since 05, I would say don't expect to catch many, you're more hoping for a big kahuna but it will be a long shot



edit- oh yeah, when they stop stocking lakes in my area, the reason is the public access has been lost or anglers are getting poor results (the stocked fish aren't doing well)


I'm not trying to be a bummer, I just don't want to see you waste your time when there's plenty of good lakes in zone 15

Edited by chris.brock
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Thx guys. Lots of options presented. I'm gonna start off the dock as the water is < 7 ft and lots of rocks & boulders. Then trolling the shallows.

good advice from the guys above,


Is it correct that they haven't stocked the lake since 2005? The lakes I fish for stocked trout and splake, they stock every 2nd year


If they haven't stocked since 05, I would say don't expect to catch many, you're more hoping for a big kahuna but it will be a long shot



edit- oh yeah, when they stop stocking lakes in my area, the reason is the public access has been lost or anglers are getting poor results (the stocked fish aren't doing well)


I'm not trying to be a bummer, I just don't want to see you waste your time when there's plenty of good lakes in zone 15

Yeah Chris. The last 'published' stocking data was for '05. As I alluded to, almost nooooobody fishes this lake :) No waste of time either. We just want to avoid late spawning P & W and figured we'd do some 'research' and see if we can find 'em. If not, no big deal. Dock the boat, open up a bottle of scotch and the humidor and we're happy happy.

I'll be sure to post our findings (hopefully not the lack thereof).

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I would be starting in <5' casting cleos and spinners to shoreline structure like boulders and overhanging timber. Trolling sand flats with wabblers and the like behind smaller gangtrolls can also work well. How clear is the water? No reason the splake should be any deeper than 20' during ice out period. They also really, really like worms so if you find an area where you know they're holding but have lockjaw that should do the trick...


As for the rainbows, wait until the water gets a little warmer and just flatline small spinners across the surface of the deepest basins in the lake!


Secchi depth in 17 m = 5 m. Latest data is 2003 though.

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Did you check Fish Online for most recent stocking data? 2005 = No fish left. They would be stocked as yearlings and that makes almost 10 years well past their longevity of @ 8 yrs.

Yep. Not a lot of faith in Fish Online. Data shows whitefish, rainbow smelt, SMB, white sucker. Only one on the list caught is SMB. Caught but not listed; LMB, pike, walleye & perch.

Which by the way is totally okay as folks using this online tool won't be targeting the lake for walleye & pike ;)

Edited by pikeslayer
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