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I personally don't care if he did whatever or any politician. I only care if the guy is delivering on his promises of making things better. Heck if anything it just proves the guy is human, also before I get labelled a fanboi, I am indifferent about Ford. I mean I could care less if they did drugs, had affairs, slept with escorts...etc, as long as it didn't screw with the policies by any political figure.

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I personally don't care if he did whatever or any politician. I only care if the guy is delivering on his promises of making things better. Heck if anything it just proves the guy is human, also before I get labelled a fanboi, I am indifferent about Ford. I mean I could care less if they did drugs, had affairs, slept with escorts...etc, as long as it didn't screw with the policies by any political figure.

Great response!! :good: .We all make mistakes and have lied I'm sure.The city is better financially and that's really the bottom line isn't it?.He'll get back in next year ,watch.Remember he's not the only politician with a problem.There has been many!!!!!!

Edited by davey buoy
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I personally don't care if he did whatever or any politician. I only care if the guy is delivering on his promises of making things better. Heck if anything it just proves the guy is human, also before I get labelled a fanboi, I am indifferent about Ford. I mean I could care less if they did drugs, had affairs, slept with escorts...etc, as long as it didn't screw with the policies by any political figure.


i agree--personal issues aren't really the public's concern. it could be forgiveable if he were delivering on promises and making things better. but he has not. he has cost the city over a hundred million in one terrible decision alone. the story that he's 'getting the job done' is based on nothing but his own boasts. he's a loudmouth about saving the taxpayer money, but there's not substance to any of his claims. so what are we left with? a publicly drunk, abusive, hypocritical, deceitful blowhard of a mayor who has set the city back a decade and accomplished nothing but the degradation of public employment and services.


it's not just about whether or not he smoked crack once. it's about his continuous lying, shady dealing, and generally terrible policy. don't pity him because he's 'only human'. hold him accountable for his dishonesty and disservice to the city he's been hired to improve.

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i agree--personal issues aren't really the public's concern. it could be forgiveable if he were delivering on promises and making things better. but he has not. he has cost the city over a hundred million in one terrible decision alone. the story that he's 'getting the job done' is based on nothing but his own boasts. he's a loudmouth about saving the taxpayer money, but there's not substance to any of his claims. so what are we left with? a publicly drunk, abusive, hypocritical, deceitful blowhard of a mayor who has set the city back a decade and accomplished nothing but the degradation of public employment and services.


it's not just about whether or not he smoked crack once. it's about his continuous lying, shady dealing, and generally terrible policy. don't pity him because he's 'only human'. hold him accountable for his dishonesty and disservice to the city he's been hired to improve.

He is human,like you and I. Just look at what he has accomplished in his short time there.Refresh yourself as many have forgotton.You may change your opinion?.

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if you're still insisting I DON'T CARE WHAT HE SMOKES AS LONG AS HE DOES HIS JOB REAL GOOD read this:





"Ford uses voodoo math to insist that he has saved a billion tax dollars. In fact, his most recent budget was $200-million larger than the previous mayor’s last budget. That beats inflation, and is worthy of praise on that basis, but it’s not transformational government."


why defend this failure of a mayor? is it because you were enamoured with his principles and can't stand to let that go? beyond coming to light as a substance abusing, drug dealer befriending, globally laughable figure, he has saved the city no money and used taxpayer money to his own ends. espouse your conservative values sure, but rob ford isn't living up to the story that's being created for him

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He is human,like you and I. Just look at what he has accomplished in his short time there.Refresh yourself as many have forgotton.You may change your opinion?.


buddy, what has he accomplished? even other conservatives agree he's done next to nothing positive and bungled a whole lot of very important issues.


i know he's human. he's a particularly untrustworthy and troubled human who needs a new job far away from civic politics.

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if you're still insisting I DON'T CARE WHAT HE SMOKES AS LONG AS HE DOES HIS JOB REAL GOOD read this:





"Ford uses voodoo math to insist that he has saved a billion tax dollars. In fact, his most recent budget was $200-million larger than the previous mayor’s last budget. That beats inflation, and is worthy of praise on that basis, but it’s not transformational government."


why defend this failure of a mayor? is it because you were enamoured with his principles and can't stand to let that go? beyond coming to light as a substance abusing, drug dealer befriending, globally laughable figure, he has saved the city no money and used taxpayer money to his own ends. espouse your conservative values sure, but rob ford isn't living up to the story that's being created for him

Your going to get this thread locked!!!!,last I heard 11 million is where he's at so far saved.Your opinion is yours,but you have to get all the facts first.I'm done,debating this,to each's own.

Edited by davey buoy
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Your going to get this thread locked!!!!,last I heard 11 million is where he's at so far saved.Your opinion is yours,but you have to get all the facts first.


i guess you and i are reading different papers. or maybe you're not reading any papers. his last budget was $200 000 000 more than miller's last budget. and that doesn't include the upcoming $100 000 000+ expenses resulting from his decision to cancel the Transit City plan. those are the facts. that's the thing. the fiscal realities aren't in ford's favour. there is almost nothing positive to say about this man. just that he's human. we're all human. that's not what makes a good mayor.

Edited by castgame
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Moxie i admire your tenacity to defend Rob and i could care less what he puts inside his body,,,im on the fence with him remaining in office even though he is the only person that can remove himself from his office (sweet deal that is ) but ...the bigger issue i think is his homophobic and racist remarks that are alleged to be on the video...Toronto is multi cultural and holds the largest gay pride parade in the country....oh and then there's that murder incident that he seems to be too close for comfort...there alot comming down the pipe over the next few months...talk about a reality show!

I'm defending his agenda and the unfortunate dilema I am faced with is the fact that I cannot seperate that from the man. The right thing for him to do is to take a step back, regroup and return to continue the task he was "Elected" to do but thats ultimately up to him. If we could somehow utilize Rob as a catalyst that sleeping dog Ontarians could rally around. It's al about the message for me, thats it! "Don't abuse the Taxpayer or we will Steamroll you. Each and every one of you that takes us for granted."



Almost forgot..... GO ROB GO!!!!!!

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Its a completely separate issue. I believe they should be held accountable as well, but crossing the 2 issues is irrelevant. If you're going to defend something or someone, you should at least make yourself seem credible. The petty insults, lame nicknames, and generalizations do not do that for you.

Separate issue? We demonize someone that gives of himself selflessly to a city he holds dear. All for a few indescretions while we let thieves, liars and cheats who think of nothing but retaining power and self serving themselves to our future skate with nary a whimper. Petty, lame, generalizations? Constant Leftist punishment and crushing pressure affects his job and hes fair game. Preimier two-moms and her buddy Dolton rip us a new one and lose the keys to the province and their off limits? I need to work on my credibility?

GO ROB GO!!!!!!!


When you've got nothin' you go with your strength.

You might want to read your signature and heed it's advice. I don't consider passive aggressive behavior a strength. GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!!

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I bet they get nothing meaningful accomplished during council meetings right now


Man, if I ever became a politician, I'd get raked over the coals with all kinds of 'scandals' over the menial dumb things I've done, and I even consider myself to be a good and mildly accomplished person hahaha.

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My feelings are if anyone that makes the decision to try crack cocaine, even once, is not capable of making good decisions in any setting. Business, family, politics basically anything his decision making must be strongly questioned. There have many fall down drunks in politics and coke was regularly used to maintain energy for centuries by many. Churchill was an alcoholic and it's been written he used cocaine but he wasn't surrounded with people with iPhones etc. to report every incident but back then the press would never do such a thing. Kennedy would have been impeached at sometime for his philandering that he most likely would have denied if confronted, again the press and most everyone in Washington knew but it wasn't something the 5th estate would report. Philandering is not an impeachable offence but he would have been caught lying about it. /see Richard M. Nixon and William Jefferson Clinton to name 2 that were called out, even though Clinton became a stronger politician and more popular today, so there may be hope for Mr. Ford after all the dust has settled. I actually like the guy as a guy not a politico.


Is there not an impeachment process here that council can force him to leave?


If it's been answered sorry I didn't read all 9 pages. This whole thing has become tiring. Maybe time to put it to rest admin.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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This whole thing has become tiring. Maybe time to put it to rest admin.


So it's OK for you to post YOUR opinion, but once your done, the thread is now tiring and and should be put to rest ??....WOW


It's been a very interesting thread and alot of good thoughts have been expressed from both sides.

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One of the true Conservative values is to take responsibilty for your actions and neither Ford nor Harpo have done so. There are grumblings in the conservative ranks that these two CLOWNS are not true Conservatives but leaning more towards the " tea party" side of the far right. But democracy rules the day and if there are enough voters that either do not care or do not understand the politics of the day then both of these clowns will be relected. Socialism does not work, just look to Europe for examples. Greece is a prime candidate for that. There has to be a balance of supporting the weak and the poor and providing for wealth growth for the population.


I can say with authority that if anyone one of you were all of a sudden destitute you would switch and vote for a Socialist party so that they can protect and FEED you. Having a great pension ( socialist unions did that for you) or still working at a great paying job makes it easy for folks to trash the other side. Walk in their shoes my friends and you will quickly change your mind.


If you cannot see that Ford is a liar and a cheat who spends most of his day out with his homies and not at work then what does that say about you? I saw photos of him throwing empty vodka bottles into a field and another one where he was urinating on the sidewalk. That is the mayor of Toronto folks and if you support him then I have to say that your values are also pretty low . I for one turned off of him when I saw him urinating. That is just too much for me to take.

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