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The most practical solution is to let him finish his term and vote someone else in. Get onto the business at hand, not waste all of his term defending himself. The idea of digging hoping to find a reason to incarcerate him will only cost US money. What a waste of oxygen....



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A recent poll over the weekend showed Rob Ford's popularity up by 5%.

As much as I personally don't agree with what he has been put through, without due course, I find it remarkable that his populartity has risen. There may be hope for this city yet!


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I question the truth of 'crack pipe'. Couldn't you smoke anything out of a glass pipe and how would a video tell you what's actually in the pipe? Also, there is no way someone who has a high-pressure job like Mayor could be a crackhead...has the media ever seen a crackhead before??


The current conservative group (feds, prov) is pretty scary for our democracy and Canadian culture imo, but I actually thought it was good to see a more 'normal' person like Rob Ford in politics. There are a lot of odd people/slobs/jerks/etc etc out there and most politicians do not represent the average Joe, Rob Ford is more like you and me that most politicians I can guarantee that.


Either way, I don't really care what happens in Toronto, I can't see how anyone could live there anyway.

I also questioned how someone in that position could find time to be a crack head.

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my biggest issue with the whole Rob Ford scandal is this:


for months he lied and said that there was no video and that it 'doesn't exist'


he INSULTED the media and called them 'maggots' because he claimed it was all a 'smear campaign' about a video that didn't exist.


now, the video surfaces.


does Rob Ford apologize to the media for his comments since the video was real after all?


no. he won't even apologize to them or for lying about it. he apologizes for being drunk. which is totally unrelated.


this makes him a jerk and a pitiful person. sorry.


even worse, his supporters are perfectly okay with all of this. which is a sad thing.


he needs to be removed. or step down.


he has made TO the embarassment of the nation. even CNN is talking about it

Edited by 12 Volt Man
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5% boost? How can you not root for him? A politician who returns phone calls, imagine that!! Theres a list a mile long of things he has done for folks like you and I and not while looking for a photo op either. He seems to truly belive in what he can do for Toronto unlike the other holier than thou sofisticatos who only care what Toronto can go for them and their lives as career blood suckers. If I had to deal with the crowd in council I'd probably be banging needles at this point let alone burn a lil' rock.



GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!!


Oh ya. Embarrassed over this and not about the enema the Lying Libs have given us for a decade? Get a life!!!


GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!!!

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The video that didn't exist that Lisi extorted?


He sure does return phone calls. 250-300 a month to Lisi.


I keep hearing about all the things he has done but nothing concrete has been listed except a subway that may, or may not, happen that he may, or may not have made a difference in.


Let's hope that the new driver helps keep the people of T.O. safe.



Edit to add: He didn't say what he was apologizing for, but has with most politicians (and children) it was likely for getting caught.

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actually, he did because later on in the radio program a caller asked him what exactly he was apologizing for and he stated two things:


1. being drunk in public

2. st. patrick's day 2012 I guess he was drunk then too.


so he specifically avoided apologizing to the media or for lying to the people of toronto about the video


his character is appalling.

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Devil’s advocate for a moment... I was listening to Robby's brother yesterday and he said that Robby is the most photographed person in Canada and he never refuses anyone an opportunity to take a photo with the Mayor. Given his propensity toward the drink, I don't find it that farfetched that he can't remember the video being shot or any specific photo being taken.

No, that is certainly not an excuse, but I can see where they are coming from.


On a side note, I gotta admit that is has been fun watching to lefties on council salivate as they foresee Robby's demise, only to have to back track and "hope that Robby steps aside to take care of himself and his family."

Time to check out Harper's new hockey book and hope that there is some semblance of leadership in there! LOL



Edit to add... I bet our Premier is pleased with the shenanigans at city hall as it takes the spot light away from them for a bit!

Edited by Headhunter
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Personally, I find it strange that soooo many people seem more upset with Ford than with all the crap we've been through with the Provincial government and the Federal senators ripping off all our $$$$ with their scams.



But maybe that's just me

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Personally, I find it strange that soooo many people seem more upset with Ford than with all the crap we've been through with the Provincial government and the Federal senators ripping off all our $$$$ with their scams.



But maybe that's just me


Yes, that subject got dropped like a hot potato Lew, wonder why :whistling::whistling:

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Just heard on The Edge that he has admitted to smoking crack now.






“Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine,” Mayor Rob Ford admitted at a surprise news conference just after noon.

“I am not an addict,” he told the stunned media.

I wasn’t lying . You didn’t ask the correct questions,” Ford explained to why the admission was so long in coming.

“You guys kept referring to alcohol,” he told the media.

“I want everybody in the city to see this tape. I don’t even recall there being a tape. I want to see the state I was in.

“No, I don’t do drugs.”


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Ford said he smoked crack about a year ago. “I don’t even remember. Probably in one of my drunken stupors. You guys have seen the state I’ve been in.”

The admission comes six months after Ford said at a May 24 news conference, “I do not use crack cocaine. Nor am I an addict of crack cocaine.”

Since that May news conference, Ford has said many times he does not use crack.

The news conference came a week after two Star reporters disclosed that they had seen a clear video of Mayor Ford smoking what appeared to be crack from a glass pipe, calling Justin Trudeau, now Liberal leader, a “good dresser” and his high school football players “f------ minorities.”

At that news conference, Ford said he would not comment on a video “that I have never seen or does not exist.”

It was only last Thursday that Toronto police Chief Bill Blair confirmed the video does exist and it does show what the Star’s Kevin Donovan and Robyn Doolittle reported.

Blair’s news conference followed release of half a police document about months of surveillance of Ford and alleged drug dealer Alexander “Sandro” Lisi.

Lisi was charged Oct. 1 with drug charges and on Thursday with extortion related to “threats” to recover the video.

Ford said he’s been advised by his lawyer, Dennis Morris, not to talk to police.

“You ask the question properly, I’ll answer it,” Ford told the media. Yes, I’ve made mistakes. All I can do now is apologize and move on.

“That’s why I want to see the tape. I want everyone in the city to see this tape. I’d like to see this tape. I don’t even recall there being a tape or a video and I know that, so I want to see the state that I was in. I don’t know what else I can say.

“I made mistakes in the past and all I can do is apologize, but it is what it is. And I can’t change the past and I can apologize to my family, my friends, my colleagues and the people of this great city.”

Ford’s apology echoed his comments on his Sunday radio show with his brother, Councillor Doug Ford, that he made mistakes.

“The Danforth, that was pure stupidity. I shouldn’t have got hammered down at the Danforth,” he said.

A drunken St. Patrick’s Day 2012, he said, was things getting “a little out of control.”

Ford refused to resign on Thursday at a 64-second news conference and again on Monday.



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From the CBC -


Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted Tuesday he has smoked crack cocaine "in one of my drunken stupors."

Ford made the shocking statement Tuesday at Toronto City Hall in a scrum with reporters.

“Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine,” Ford said.

“But, no — do I? Am I an addict, no? Have I tried it? Um, probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago.”

The mayor suggested that he hadn’t been lying when reporters previously asked him about the tape.

“So, I wasn’t lying. You didn’t ask the correct questions,” Ford said.

“No I’m not an addict and no, I do not do drugs. I made mistakes in the past and all I can do is apologize, but it is what it is and I can’t change the past.”

"Yes, I've made mistakes, all I can do now is apologize and move on," the mayor said. "I can apologize to my family, my friends, my colleagues and the people of this great city."

Last week, Toronto's police chief said authorities had recovered a video of the mayor with images that corresponded with media reports about him appearing to smoke crack cocaine.

Ford repeated a call for the tape to be released on Tuesday.

"I don't even recall there being a tape or a video and I know that. So I want to see the state that I was in. I wasn't lying," he told reporters.

Ford's admission comes after months of speculation that began in May of this year when reports surfaced that a video exists that shows the mayor smoking what appears to be crack cocaine.

Ford, 44, was elected as the mayor of Toronto three years ago. He still has another year to go in his current term.

During his time as mayor, Ford has consistently drawn headlines both for his work at city hall and his life outside of it.

Earlier this year, the Toronto Star and the U.S. gossip website Gawker each reported that someone had been shopping a video of the mayor using crack cocaine.

Ford denied both the video’s existence and using crack cocaine.


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