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Brown Water ~ Brown Trout


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Got out for the weekend with a buddy of mine for some brown trout fishing. The two of us grew up in the area, but he hadn't been back to fish for many years. He's new to the fly, but he's catching on rather quick. The area saw lots of rain the days leading up to the weekend, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Driving up most of the streams and creeks were chocolate milk...not promising. When we arrived, we were greeted by high water and about 6 inches of visibility. Perfect conditions for big browns.

The river. Very high water.


There were tons of these guys hatching, but not much surface activity at all really.


Ready to hunt!


We stuck with big flies for the most part to try and dodge the smaller fish. The odd time we did switch it up to either a dry fly or a smaller streamer we ended up with plenty of these guys. Its a good way to pass the time between the pools that hold the bigger fish.



A couple more river shots.



Tim ripping a big streamer through a nice pool.


Thunder head! The storm bypassed us though. At this point the river was clearing up quite a bit and we were actually hoping for a good downpour to dirty things up again. Never happened though.


And the fish... Like I said, conditions were prime. The water was up a good foot or so from usual flow. Quite a few sections the water was up on the grass/weeds on the banks. Big streamers, big fish, 'nuff said...








Was a pretty epic weekend as far as southern Ontario trout streams go. I think I'll go back next weekend and have a bit more fun. Hopefully the surface activity picks up a little so I can toss some big dries out next time.

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This is a magnificent report with some truly spectacular fly caught browns. Thank you I am green with envy. If your ever looking for someone to join you feel free to PM me.


No idea where abouts you live, but if you're headed to this area and want to get out, shoot me a message. I live in Guelph, plenty of decent trout fishing around here. These fish aren't from around here though... The least I could do is show you some setups and techniques anyways.

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