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Tried fishing L.Ontario this night.


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Hi folks,

Haven't posted for awhile since i have'nt fished for nearly 5 months.


Was able to get out Friday night for little softwater on L.Ontario.

It's quite physically brutal and dangerous to do this, but 5 months was too long to go

without trolling or casting. The hard work usually pays off with some results.

This night brought too many OOS bass and some brown trout.

Here is some pics

Trolling on a pitch black cool night.


Some browns, nice little scrappers made it all good.




Too many of these today since they are out of season.

What you can catch can really vary in L.Ontario.





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Dude that's hardcore!!!! I assume you had to drag the boat across the beach since everything is froz


I wish it was as easy as dragging the boat across a beach.

Had to dig steps (with shovel) down a cliff and carry the boat and equipment, then go back up after.

No beach just ice covered rocks and snow/ice formations to deal with to launch.


Usually it pays off with great fishing. Need sustained northerly winds or its a no go.

Some different species from last time i went here a year or so ago.

Tons of big white bass were caught a year ago.


Some walleye


Usually catch sheeepshead



Never knowing what will be caught is some of the fun.

None of the above fish were caught yesterday and vice-versa.

Always a variety, have caught rainbows, chinooks, carp (hitting lures), seen musky caught, etc... in winter here.

Hard work but good times





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Thanks for replies! Just wanted to share this experience.

Fishindevil, likewise its usually the best fish catching i've had in my life.


I clicked on this topic assuming I'd see a shore fishing report...then I saw your in a boat, Sweet! Awesome fish, especially In January, who'da thunk it. I think its time I get out there and go for some of those browns.



Have done these reports a few times before, but i always post with trepidation.

I really advise against trying this type of fishing. One little problem with engine or winds, currents etc could be your demise.

This sign over my shoulder explains it clearly.




Had a great time despite the hard work and ever present fear.



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Thanks again for further replies!

Mikeh, sunrise or sunset are best time since the sun and clear water make them spooky during the day.

Being a warm water outflow it draws fish from big lake between late Nov. until April.

Medium sized Shad Raps and Rattlin' Raps in blu/slv/org have worked the best there for last 15+ yrs.

great report EHG, I'm going to try some of those areas when the boat comes out of storage in 35 days. Hopefully all the shore ice is gone by then. thanks for posting.





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