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  1. Id like to take 5 minutes of your time to share with you guys an untold story. something that was kept ''secret'' a story of pure stupidity , then horror fallowed by courage! I tell you this story because today i read the piece of paper that my uncle Daniel A. Simard was able to salvage, a piece of paper that holds a message my brother wrote to empty his thoughts , clear his mind . ... Daniel found this message on my brothers desktop full of grease , grim and food . something that would have been tossed in the garbage, but he grabed it and gave it to me. In 2010 , I almost drowned camping with my buddies on a island. I cought a fish and lost him right at the boat, My biggest BASS ever!!!! My reflexe was to try to catch him with my hand by jumping in the water..... with all my clothes on , having 0/10 swimming abilities , the wind pushing 40/km and the fact that i kicked the boat while jumping in the water was pure disaster.... My brother Jason Kyers quickly threw the life jacket but the wind got to it and landed 1/4 of the way in. It was to far for me to swim to it.Thank GOD MIchel bouche came fishing with us that after noon because jason dosent know how to swim... and would have been a double mortality because in my heart i truly believe he would have jumped and tried to save me .... in 30-45 seconds i was exausted trying to keep my head out of the water. with 0% energie, now my head is going in the water and comming back out barely to breath, now im exausted and give it all i got to keep my head out of the water. This is my last chance, with one last breath i scream....... MIKE.... MIKEEE.... MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE. my eyes are at water level and i see mike jumping in the water. i felt releaved, i was under the water but now i knew help was on the way holding my breath and sticking my hand out of the water. Mike was smart enough to swim to the life jacket , after swim to me and gave me the life jacket. as soon as i felt something in my hands i grabbed it and hugged it and my head came back out. My last breath was not of water but of air. a huge GASP! mike screams; lay on your back and kick. Mike is fully dressed , im fully dressed hes swimmming with one arm he found the strengh to swim towards the island that is 100 feet away. at one point 25' from the island mike asked me ( please start kicking) he had 0% ,i had 0% energie left but gave baby kicks . he says it helped , nonetheless like a beast he pulled us out of the water, dragged me on the island . all this was happening right in front of jason's eyes he was in a constant struggle trying to drive the boat back to us , againts the wind. with the electric motor. Ryan Boisseau was 500' away on pearl island watching the seen from the dock, he had woken up from my screams of terror he finaly got to us but we were on the island at that point. i went into a panic attack trying to regain my heart beat and my breath breathing heavely in and out at 100 miles an houres. that noise will stay in our minds for ever. i was in paninc but i was breathing air. not water. with the hospital 2 houres away.only an elecopter would have maybe saved me. mikes adrenaline saved us. after all this mike instantly had a head ack and fell and blacked out sleeping, he gave it all he got . put his life in danger. for a stupid act of selfishness. i owe my life to this brave couragous man. Today, Right here Right now, just breathing makes me HAPPY, @Michel boucher you gave me a second chance , i owe you my life. thank you for saving my life , always beeing there and beeing a heck of a buddy! —
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