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  1. Hi folks, I shared this pic earlier but it was buried in another thread, so I figured I'd just share it again. It's a shot of a roughly 10 lb striped bass that I caught in New Brunswick during a family vacation back in July. I released this guy and about 10 more up to ~ 15 lbs. It was totally amazing fishing. My wife and I would put the kids to bed at night and grab a baby monitor, then walk about 20 paces down to the water from our small beach cottage. We'd set up two lawn chairs and a small table, crack open a couple of Alpines (delicious NB beer) and I'd light a cigar. Then I'd launch out a mackerel chunk with a couple of ounces of weight on my surf rod, and we'd just hang out and chat. As a school would pass by, the rod would make a move for the water, I'd grab it, rear back, and fish on! It was strictly CnR (I ran into the cottage for the pic but let the fish go, strong) and it was tons of fun. The power and dense muscular weight of these fish is something to behold. We only fished for a couple of hours over three nights after dark. Rising tide was best. There's something about fishing in the ocean that I find just amazing. You never really know what you're going to get. I picked up a skate (small ray), some flounders, and a few other incidentals as well. Tons of fun. Another amazing sight was the bioluminescent plankton we witnessed at the edge of the beach one very calm night. I was sure that I was seeing flashes from dense schools of tiny silver-sided fish but, upon closer inspection, they were microscopic organisms glowing green on and off. Amazing. Anyway, I know it's an Ontario board, but I thought some of you might find this kind of cool.
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