LED Trailer light issue
My trailer LED light doesnot work on Left Turn and Both Break.
At Parking light, all LED lights (including running) are on.
So I go to UHaul without trailer to test my car wiring: everything works good on UHaul Trailer.
Tested on the Resistance:
White+Brown: 200
White+Yellow and White+Green: no Resistance, looks like broken?
Tested the Voltages:
At car wiring, when emergency light flashing, both left and right side output is from 2.5V to 9.5V. At the same time, tested on the left light (cut the wire to expose the voltage.): The voltage is transferred correctly to the trailer light.
Link the wiring plug directly to 12V car power, if white+brown is connected, running light is ON. (Good) if white+yellow or white+green: no light at all.
How LED trailer light works? Why I see both at parking switch on and see right turn light, but I see no brake light and no left turn light? Why even I give the right turn light 12V directly it doesnot show on?
Any thoughts? Thanks? Should I change both LED back to normal bulb so that there is no fancy IC in the lights?