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Found 5 results

  1. Hi All! I thought I would share this with the fishing community. On August 1st, 2015, I had hosted a very successful Free and friendly shore fishing Bass competition at Grenadier Pond, High Park, Toronto. I've started a shore fishing league that is free to everyone to participate. I'm trying to start a new movement for urban anglers to compete in shore fishing competitions since most of us don't own boats or cars or have the money to compete. This is a great way to bring the fishing community together and make new friends. Here is a video highlight of the event. Move over CFL, WTFL is coming through! Also, we had a professional angler who participated in this event! Thanks for coming out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ewyW1BbDkY http://wheretofish.ca/league/ Tight lines everyone! Ratnak wheretofish.ca | youtube.com/wheretofish
  2. Hey everyone, So I vloged my fishing adventures at high park yesterday for crappie. Unfortnately, I didn't catch any but I caught a few blue gills on a bare jig LOL. I'm really happy that I bumped into a conservation officer and he asked for my license. There was this couple who were new to fishing and they didnt havea license with them. Not sure if they got fined or not but yeah, it's good that they are checking during bass spawning season. Here's my youtube vlog -> https://youtu.be/JwLEf4KONkg Here's my website blog -> http://www.wheretofish.ca/blog/ High Park fishing is truly amazing. I hope to change people's action informing them about respecting the environment and perserving the fisheries for future generations. -Ratnak (where to fish)
  3. Hi All, I thought I'd post some more topics on a few things going on with the Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors. T.U.F.A (Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors) and Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation gets together to host a fishing clinic for CUPE Local 79 picnic. It rained all day but we managed to stick through it .
  4. Hi All, I haven't posted in a while but I thought I'd post about the family fishing week event that took place last Saturday at Grenadier Pond High Park. Photos can be here on my flickr group page. http://www.flickr.com/groups/2258526@N21/ I will be posting a video of this year's event soon. Here's last year's video if you haven't seen the event at Grenadier Pond before.
  5. Recreational fishing at Grenadier Pond in High Park may come to an end: http://www.highparknature.org/wiki/uploads/VolunteerOpportunities/HPN-Update-2013Jan13.pdf And http://www.highparknature.org/wiki/wiki.php?n=VolunteerOpportunities.HighParkNaturalEnvironmentCommittee
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