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Shaun Rickard

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Posts posted by Shaun Rickard

  1. I used to use frogs all the time. They definitely work, but watching them struggle to pull the hook out of their lips is terrible.


    I disagree about them being similar to worms (hardly has a brain) and minnows (no sense of sentient pain). Frogs are far more complex.


    Well said :clapping:

  2. neither store. chinese crap. i support independent stores for selection. they carry regional quality products.


    I think all stores carry products made in China outlaw, in fact many of the lures, rods and reels etc. you purchase from the big names such as Berkley, Shimano and Rapala are manufactured in China. Sign of the times, you can't really get away from it wherever you shop.... just my 2 cents :blahblah1:

  3. For the record Shaun,

    I despise CT for what it is now compared to what it used to be. A Canadian icon. Now it is pretty much on the same level as a dollar store.

    If this 'survey' turns out to have any ties to CTC or a sponsorship, I will be most disappointed and offended.

    Hope that's not the case, but maybe you should clarify :whistling:

    I will apologize in advance if you find this personally offensive. But I will not apologize for the level of service and warranty denials and pricing rip offs that I have been subjected to at Canadian Tire.

    My 2 cents





    BTW, I pass 3 CT stores + 2 WM on my way to leBarons & Shortwave Marine.


    Just to clarify Pikeslayer, there is nothing underhanded going here I assure you. We were having a discussion here in the office, and the general consensus was that out of the 2 big box stores CT has a far better selection, but not necessarily the better price, pretty much along the lines of what many have stated here. We simply were curious and wanted to get an outside opinion from others accross the Province. I live in Pickering and we have a CT and Wal Mart here, however as you know some of the rural stores are very different, and offer much more selection than the urban locations. If you're not comfortable posting maybe just skip past the thread.


    Thanka again to all who posted!




  4. According to my manual, a 6 second continuous beep indicates low oil pressure. Most likely caused by low oil level.


    Cooling system problem such as low water pressure or engine over heating is 6 seconds of intermittent beeps.


    So it sounds like an oil pressure problem.


    Not sure if the same would apply on a 25, but I had a very similar issue with my 200, it turned out to be a faulty sending module, it was telling the engine there was no oil when there was. The part cost me $25... and then about $100 in labour lol!


    Good luck mate, i hope it isn't anything serious.

  5. I was hoping that some of you OFNers may be able to help us out with a quick survey. Who do you consider to have the better fishing, camping and outdoor sections in their stores, Canadian Tire or Wal Mart? When I say better, I am referring to selection and their ability to fulfil your specific needs in the afforementioned areas.


    If you could simply write "Canadian Tire' or 'Wal Mart' in your reply it would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks in advance for your help.




  6. Shaun, allow me to be the first to say it looks like you had a great day on the ice!! Thansks for taking the time to share this with me.Awsome pics of what looks like and awesome day. I like the topless fishing. Kinky stuff !!!whistling.gif


    Thanks Paul! The winner of the 'No shirt fish off' actually won a $1500 prize package for his trouble (first guy to land a fish), not bad for catching a 4oz Perch, so it was worthwhile to have goose bumps and erect nipples for a few minutes LOL!




  7. This weekend I attended the annual 3 day Merland Park ice fishing derby in Picton. What a great weekend! Some of the crazy buggers even fished naked from the waist up on Saturday! Great prizes, great food, great activities, great guys and great times.

    If anyone is interested, or perhaps were there, you can see many of the pictures on our Facebook fan page: Shaun Rickard's Urban Outdoor Adventures




  8. Yesterday was a very sad day for everyone in our household.

    I mentioned a while back in another thread, that our poor old Pup was having a tough time getting around since Thanksgiving week-end.

    Things continued to decline and he was loosing more and more control over his hind legs. Well, things really progressed quickly for the worse over the past few days and yesterday, we had to face the inevitable.

    Ol' Tyler was unable to stand on his own and appeared to start having some pain. He would cry out from time to time and just laid there in the front hall.


    We called the girls and they all came home to be there with him and us At 2:15 yesterday afternoon, he went to sleep for the final time The Veterinarian was excellent with us all, but nothing can make the pain we feel go away. We know we did the right thing for him and the look in his eyes almost appeared to be thanking us. He lived with so much dignity all his life and we could never have asked for a better dog. The way he was yesterday, was just not the way he deserved to live.


    We all knew that this time was likely to come sooner than later, but nothing can prepare you for this. I know many of you have had to face this type of thing as well. Our world is so empty without him. .


    Tyler (aka "Bubba") April 1998 - January 1, 2011 Never to be forgotten



    Sorry for your loss Rattletrap, a sad day indeed.


    Cheers and all the best for 2011,



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