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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. YeeeeeHaaaaw! Another gold! 3 goals against for the whole tournament!
  2. Yeah, for food that spoils in the middle of a deep freeze!!!
  3. From the weather office Warnings Barrie - Collingwood - Hillsdale 8:48 AM EST Friday 21 February 2014 Rainfall warning for Barrie - Collingwood - Hillsdale ended ditto for the freezing rain warning
  4. I going to tell my fishing friends that I knew you before you became famous! Good for you. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
  5. Best friends graduating from medical school at the same time decided that in spite of two different specialties, they would open a practice together to share office space and personnel. Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist and Dr. Jones was the proctologist; they put up a sign reading: Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones: Hysterias and Posteriors. The town council was livid and insisted they change it. The docs changed it to read: Schizoids and Hemorrhoids. This was also not acceptable so they again changed the sign to read Catatonics and High Colonics - no go. Next they tried Manic Depressives and Anal Retentives - thumbs down again. Then came Minds and Behinds - still no good. Another attempt resulted in Lost Souls and Butt Holes - unacceptable again! So they tried Nuts and Butts - no way. Freaks and Cheeks - still no good. Loons and Moons - forget it. Almost at their wit's end, the docs finally came up with: Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones - Specializing in Odds and Ends. Everybody loved it.
  6. Why is this a problem? (I thought married guys got used to the smell anyway! )
  7. Got a complaint??? Stand in line! Ombud said deaing with H1 was like 'wrestling a slippery pig". Even he could not get straight answers, so he called an inquiry. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/hydro-one-probe-by-ombudsman-gets-2-500-more-complaints-1.2533523
  8. I've never found a raincoat that could really 'breathe'---even real Goretex(not imitations). So I get wet from the inside from my sweat, which is better than getting soaked in a cold rain.
  9. I have an old Corolla. I guess I should be taking notes!
  10. I don't see why we need to choose between helping our own and helping those in poor 3rd world countries. There's enough $$ in Canada to do both! The gap between rich and poor keeps increasing, though, as it does to an even greater extent in the US.
  11. or buy some plastic pipe at the hardware store.
  12. Not to mention the small fortune on duct tape just to keep his wife's mouth shut!!!
  13. lots of interesting responses. Here's the compromise I suggest: buy a house that needs very little done on the main floor but either with an unfinshed basement(ideal) or one that's been done hal-assed(as so many are). You get to satisfy your building/puttering urges downstairs and she only needs to come down occasionally to do an inspection and tell you what a great job you're doing etc etc!!
  14. Here on OFC we seem to have these BPS threads quite often!!!
  15. I guess you misunderstood. I wasn't talking about anyone hitting the brakes. I was suggesting that the guy coming uphill seemed to be a bit tardy in letting off on the accelerator.
  16. He did, but I thought it was a bit belated.
  17. What gets me is that he seems to continue passing(rather than drop back) even when the other truck comes into view. I'm not a truck driver but I thought the guy coming uphill would have dropped back real fast as soon as he let off the gas, .
  18. Wouldn't want to set a precedent!!!
  19. Yeah, but maybe he's 'targetting' crappie and catching browns 'sort of accidentally like'?!
  20. OK, so what is that 'fisherman' really doing that he should not do??
  21. He probably ate the tiger that tend to show up on those solo drifts in the Pacific!!
  22. I drilled a couple of holes on Simcoe today as part of a Simcoe Ice Drilling Team outing without much trouble. It was hardly worth taking the drill for the sake of a couple of holes but I wanted to try it out a bit more than I had. The chuck just came loose once. That was when I put it in reverse to get it back up from the hole. I drilled/lifted/drilled/lifted as Brian suggested above. The main reason for posting the pix above was to tell others of a fairly easy way to attach the drill to the auger: A number of people expressed interest in Brian's conversion but most of us don't have some of the tools that he used----e.g. welder. The wood piece to stop the auger from dropping thru the hole is to me , of secondary interest. There are many ways of skinning that proverbial cat. The wood slides down the shaft under its own weight and sometimes spins with the auger. Yes, it's a good idea to keep 'vital parts' away from it , but it can be stopped from spinning with very little force because it's a loose fit. A circular piece of plywood would look neater but would take up more space when stashing the auger unto the toboggan.
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