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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Wow! Now I'm puzzled. It's reasonable to expect what's written in the regs( as shown on their website) to match whatever signage there is in the field. Otherwise the fishermen have some basis to challenge any charge of poaching.
  2. Are you sure they were fishing illegally? The way I read the regs, it's open downstream from the bridge on that river. Was the sign upstream from the bridge? http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/geospatialmaterial/241300.pdf
  3. This guy says to the bartender, "Can my dog and I watch the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey game here? My cable is out, and my dog and I always watch the game together." The bartender replies, "Normally, dogs wouldn't be allowed in my bar, but it's not very busy right now, so you and the dog can have a seat at the end of the bar. But, if there's any trouble with you or the dog, I'll have to ask you to leave." The guy agrees, and he and his dog start watching the game. Pretty soon, the Leafs manage to score a goal and the excited dog jumps up on the bar, barks loudly, does a back flip and runs over to the bartender and gives him a high-five. The bartender says, "Wow, that's pretty cool! What does he do when they win a game ?" The guys answers, "No Idea, I've only had him for 3 years."
  4. I understand that colour units chew up batteries a lot faster. I use a little B & w unit for my canoe and ice fishing. Based on the few times I've seen a colour unit in operation, they didn't seem to add much more info. What advantages do you see over B & W? thx
  5. yeah, that oughta tick bottom every now and then!!
  6. Those dumb hydro guys---putting poles in the middle of the river!!
  7. What sort of shotting pattern would you recommend? Maybe start with a lb or so nearest the hook?
  8. I live on the lower Notty and the river level has changed very little over the past week. I guess between the Minesing wetlands and the flooded farmer fields, it's like having a big shallow lake upstream.
  9. Geez, man, be careful out there!! I enjoy reading your reports and I don't want this to be your last one!! . The ice can weaken very quickly at this time of year. If you don't know what 'candle ice' is, google it. Also, all that slush came from the melting of the top of the ice so the thickness id then reduced. the water will drain away, then the sun and mild temps will eat away some more of the top layer. BTW, I understand there is an alternate access foer 'the spot' quite close by that avoids the 'twin bubblers" . let me know if you're interested.
  10. Thx for posting this. I was thinking of trying some shore fishing along there but i guess I'll need to wait a few days. Wasaga is open water today, but a big ice floe visible in the dist.
  11. Ha!! remind me of a few years back when we went to a local music event at a farm that had food beforehand. It was outdoors and pulled pork was served. We found a spot to sit on some sort of log or rough bench. Trying to enjoy but this other pig in a pen a few feet away kept staring at me. I think he was trying to say " Hey, that's my old friend Charlie you got there"
  12. Yeah---the sound of 2 chickens choking!!!
  13. The latest sat pix show G Bay from T'mory to about C'wood to be ice free.
  14. Gbay ice has turned blue/black---looks like candle ice which will break easily with the waves. probably gone by Mon.
  15. American fisherman?? well if that't the case it's not a bass---it's a hawgg!
  16. too early for golf!! Maybe they can take up another hobby---that hockey one doesn't seem to working for them!!
  17. "TSN Hockey Insider Bob McKenzie reports that MLSE CEO Tim Leiweke has reached out to NHL Director of Player Safety Brendan Shanahan in regards to a "top hockey operations position" with the Maple Leafs" ***************************************fatal error****************************************** "top hockey" and "Leafs" cannot be used in same sentence
  18. When I stepped outside this morning I heard a robin cough!!
  19. Does anyone know when it's illegal to park on the shoulder of a road and where' that's written? I tried Googling it but did not find anything in the act or elsewhere. I have been told that it's illegal to park on some, or maybe all, provincial highways I phoned the OPP but the officer was unhelpful in general an particularly unhelpful re which roads it's legal to park beside. People park all the time on the shoulder of county and township roads----dirt roads, two lane paved etc---so it must be legal in some places. The OPP said I'd need to phone the MOT to find out where it's covered in the act.
  20. but 0 chance for the cup!! hell didn't even freeze over this past winter, although it must have come close.
  21. Moth balls worked for a groundhog for me.
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