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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Tell the 'clan' that if your gear 'goes bad' you'll have to buy new stuff. That will concentrate their minds to come up with a viable solution!
  2. Sure, why not? You can get the basic 1 for only $1300 (plus tax) for the basic model!!
  3. Aaaah, that great 'walleye factory" Which lake did you fish last year? We were swimming in Marshall on the first week of June last year. .
  4. We are going on the last week of June----I assume it'll be gone by then. Maybe the lakers will still be shallow and easier to catch. We are going to O'Sullivan. Which lake are you folks going to?
  5. Need plans for an ark??? http://www.ehow.com/how_2120468_build-ark.html
  6. The last time the Beer Store went on strike a friend of mine said he was forced to drink American beer!! So I had to ask "Who forced you"?
  7. It's not clear from the link I posted how they trip. Are they similar to the Tadpole, another device I've just recently become aware of? I'm thinking of trying one or the other, or maybe both, to catch lakers in 20-30 fow. I use Big O's a lot for bass, walleye, and pike. I don't know if they would trip the Seeker(they are a relatively shallow diver.) http://www.offshoretackle.com/resettable_diving_weights.html
  8. These Fish Seekers were mentioned in another thread. Anybody else had experience with them? Thxs http://www.davisnet.com/marine/products/marine_product.asp?pnum=00510
  9. aaah, but the Liquor Store is still open, so not everything is lost!!!
  10. I have hardly ever caught a speck on a lee shore in the spring. If you get a West wind blowing in on a rocky or gravelly shore you'll have lots of fun! When the wind is from the West etc, etc, etc!
  11. Apparently he's in the same hospital as some of the victims. Security is tight around and IN the hospital---presumably to stop one of the victims from killing the bugger!
  12. I hope the get the guy alive. I wouldn't be the first time the cops nabbed the wrong guys. I'd hate like hell to see the real culprits go free if those guys turn out not to be the guilty ones.
  13. Come bass season float down the Grand from Glen Morris to Paris---lots of bass!
  14. Miro, Is this primarily a canoe camping trip or a fishing trip? If you are mostly interested in fishing there are lots of lakes that are quite accessible in the Haliburton to Bancroft area that are stocked with bows. There are some others stocked with splake or specks. Don't need to camp for those lakes.
  15. Agreed. What I posted was just a small sample. We've been camping on crown land for years. Much less crowded than Algon although, to be fair, Algon has more wild life.
  16. Chris, I've read somewhere about a sub-species called "Haliburton Gold". Is that what you caught? Either way, nice looking fish!
  17. 9 Mile Lake near P sound has lots of small bass at least. I didn't catch any big ones, but they must be in there. If you put in on Harris Lake you can paddle a long way on the Magnetawan. Not sure about the fishing but as you get further away from the put in there is very little fishing pressure.
  18. Not Wiarton Willie! Willie is an albino!
  19. Pretty serious around these parts this aft. Tried to stop at Tims for coffee but the sign said no service due to power failure.
  20. It rare that someone is trying to be helpful when they tell you to stuff it!
  21. To each his own I guess, but I've seen guys doing that and it looked like the most god-awful awkward way ever to catch a fish! (OK---let the flaming begin!!)
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