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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. IMO, there's a huge diff between naming locations and showing backgrounds. Naming will bring new people to the river,showing backgrounds won't.
  2. Mine is boring---cereal and an orange, then tea soon as I get up. Eggs and/or yogurt and/or banana later. That Aunt J's corn syrup, or any other corn syrup, is close to being toxic. Read up on it.
  3. I going to go out on a limb and say that the service will be better than Bell's!!LOL
  4. Toronto's got lots of time to build a brand new road before it'll be needed!!LOL
  5. I usually fish a bit further downstream from where that pic was taken.
  6. Let me say this before this thread gets blown away: I find it a bit 'precious' when Leaf fans get in a tizzy when a few barbs are thrown their way. C'mon guys, don't you need to be a bit of a masochist to be a die-hard Leaf fan??. If the expression 'comes with the territory' ever applied, surely it does here. It's only a game, folks!
  7. I can understand why Leaf fans have no sense of humor. If I kept hoping for something for 40 plus years and it didn't come to pass I'd lose mine too!!
  8. Don't need to guess where some of us would like to shove those hoses!!~~!
  9. A softener will take out quite a bit of iron as well, but not sulphur. We had a guy from Barrie install ours and it was a lot cheaper than Water Depot. We just got a mechanical timer (similar to a light timer) to control the backwash timing. It's the fancy computer that Depot and others use that costs a lot of $$. A bit of overkill for most households, IMO. If interested PM me and I'll dig out the guy's name.
  10. My ins co is Security National. When we had the wood stove installed we needed to get the WETT cert. They didn't need a copy, said to keep it on file. Our premium went up by $1-200 per year.
  11. Riiight! And the fact that Americans own more guns per capita and also have 1 of the highest, if not the highest, murder rates is a coinidence---just a pure and simple coincidence!
  12. Chris, If you go to the websites below you will get more detailed and better advice than you will get here on OFC. http://woodheat.org/good-firewood.html http://www.consumerenergycenter.org/home/heating_cooling/firewood.html
  13. I find it ideal to have a mixture of hard and soft---maybe about 2/3 hard. The soft is good for kindling, of course, but also to get the fire going and the stove up to temp. Then, once that first load burns down a bit into red glowing charcoal, load in the hardwood for a longer, slower burn.. If you Google wood burning you'll find that there's great variation in the heat values of different woods, both hard and soft. About the best is apple if you can find it.(I have to reign in my urge to scrounge---it's usually not worth it unless you're OK with min wage. Mind you, there is real physical satisfaction in splitting the wood.)
  14. As said above, as long as the wood is dry it's good to burn. Sap, once dried out, becomes valuable fuel.
  15. The ULTIMATE hot button topic!!! Americans and gun "control".
  16. I'm glad you guys cleared that up----I thought it was a description of some woman you knew!!
  17. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/story/2013/01/16/sp-nhl-rick-mercer-lockout-fans.html
  18. Or, to put it another way, 1/3 the size of Nine-Mile Lake!!
  19. I'm not sure how complete that list is. I understood that Shell premium was ethanol free, but I don't see our local shell station on that map.
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