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Posts posted by Dontcryformejanhrdina

  1. I never had a problem before either, maybe I was targeted because I hadn't had any activity for a while and they thought they could sneak out money before I noticed. Nothing is completely safe anymore. Even keeping cash, you can experience a good old fashioned mugging. At least back in the old days, crooks had to physically rob you (or get elected). Nowadays, these lazy ****ers can't even get off the couch to rob you. Even the thieves are going soft. 

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  2. I got rid of PayPal about 3-4 years back when. I hadn't even used it in quite a while (years) then I got an email saying I withdrew money from my bank account into my PayPal account. First I thought the email was a scam but it was actually sent from PayPal. So I logged on and sure enough, someone had hacked my PayPal, tried to take $500 from my bank account (in $100 increments, so 5 different transactions) so I contacted the bank and PayPal and got a hold put on my accounts and they reversed the transaction, then I deleted my PayPal account. They were then going to send my money to whatever "company" they had set up. 

    So many pieces of trash out there, it's usually elderly people that get taken in these scams. If there's a hell I hope they rot in it. 

  3. I’m 33 and musky is my favourite fish to catch. I see plenty of people fishing musky as well. Not nearly as much as bass but there’s always been plenty of bass guys. Lots of walleye fishermen around here, too. 


    As for baits, most of my best baits just look stupid in the water and you wonder why a fish would go for it, yet they work. 

  4. Because many people these days will trash hunters like it’s the most blood thirsty, unethical thing you can do. Never mind the fact humans have been doing it for thousands of years. What gets me is when people who eat meat will trash hunters and say “oh, big man killing an innocent animal” Then they go to MacDonalds and buy some chicken nuggets like that makes them somehow morally superior. 

    Or the idiot living in the city who knows nothing about bears thinks that they shouldn’t be hunted because they had a cute little teddy bear as a kid. Until one breaks into their cottage one night. 

    A real hunter knows more and cares more about the animals they hunt than most so called animal animal activists. 



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  5. I've heard from several people that northern Ontario isn't nearly what it used to be. Too bad. I think my wife and I have settled on Newfoundland as our destination of choice. Neither of us have been there so it would be great to explore a new area, it has the best moose population density in the world plus we're very likely to see caribou which is never going to happen where we live (Kingston area). $5000 might seem steep but most lodges have well over a 90% success rate. If we were to buy grass fed beef we'd probably be spending half of that for the same amount we'd get from a moose. Add in that they feed you the entire time there, your lodging is included plus the use of a guide and their atvs and it's really not that bad. 

    Thank you both for your replies. 

  6. Good that he’s actually getting jail time and a significant fine but his licence should be suspended forever. He should never be allowed to hunt again, or own any firearm since taking away his licence probably won’t stop him anyway. I just can’t comprehend the level of stupidity and complete lack of ethics of some people. 

  7. My wife and I have really been hit with the hunting bug and want to start branching out into moose hunting. We currently just hunt deer, grouse and rabbit/hares so this would be a big leap for us. So for our first time, we really want to go with a guide. We’re thinking either Quebec, northern Ontario or possible NFLD for our first trip. A BC moose hunt is on our bucket list but we want to keep the costs somewhat reasonable for the first time so that’s out of the question at this moment. 

    Does anybody here have any experience going with a guided outfitter or have any recommendations? We’d be looking to rifle hunt an area with good populations and are also interested in just seeing wildlife in general and experiencing the outdoors in a new (to us) spot. Not looking for a needle in a haystack trophy hunt. We love hiking around, seeing the country side and all that it has to offer, harvesting a moose and filling the freezer with delicious meat would just be the cherry on top. 

    Also, any tips or info on hunting moose in general would be very welcome. We want to learn as much as we can. One of our favourite places is Algonquin Park and we make it our goal each time we go to find some moose and just watch these amazing animals and learn more about them. 


    Thanks in advance everyone! 

  8. My wife caught her first two musky last Saturday, a 43” almost right off the bat then another 36”er an hour later. She’s already asking when we can go again, usually she acts like I’m dragging her out there. We were only out a few hours though, I lost a little guy beside the boat and had a couple of follows. I tried a new lake this morning for my second time out. caught a couple small ones, missed another strike and had 1 more follow, then nothing for the last few hours. Always fun trying a new lake/looking for new spots. 

  9. I grew up fishing this lake. It used to be much better but isn’t that true with any lake? Musky is tough there, as is walleye. Even the bass fishing has gone down hill. It’s become a very popular lake so it’s not very quiet in the summer. 


    Having said that, it’s a beautiful lake with many different parts to it for a relatively small lake plus in connects to elephant so it will take a long time to fish every spot once and figure it out. You’re not as likely to get bored. There’s also lakers in there too if you’re into that. 

  10. Still trying for my first. I haven’t seen anything since rifle opened. I saw about a dozen during bow but the only ones that came within range were two fawns (which I let go) and a spikehorn which I shot but just nicked him, the blood trail (which wasn’t much) stopped completely after 100 yards or so. 

    I had a 10 point come out 20 minutes after dark last Tuesday. Hopefully he’s still alive and will come back during the day when I’m off next week. 


  11. I get plenty on my property though they're often spookier than most.


    Their location changes through the season. Check their throats when cleaning them, find out what they've been eating. Early season here they were eating bright green berries, then once the apples started falling they were eating apples and I'd find them in or below apple trees believe it or not. Once the snow comes they stick to coniferous trees usually. More cover for them and they eat the buds off the trees.


    If you get a big dumping of light snow, they'll burrow right into it. Nothing quite like taking a bird on the wing that bursts out from the snow.


    They can be the dumbest bird alive more often than not but their unpredictability can make for a fun challenge.

  12. You can't. I've got a 6' box and I might be able to squeeze a face cord into it if I pack it to the max. If they're just delivering it with just a regular pickup even with an 8' box and calling it a bush cord I'd be telling them to turn right back around.

  13. Be very wary of buying wood from someone you don't know. Get references if possible. Maybe buy 1 cord at first, pile it to make sure it's a full bush cord then buy more.


    I cut all of my own wood so I know what I'm getting. My stove is small so I usually cut 12-14" long. One option is buying logs and cutting and splitting them yourself. They will need time to season though but you'll save a ton of money that way.


    Make sure it's not only the right amount but also good hardwood and properly seasoned. The wood should be turning grey on the outside. If it seems like it's too good to be true, it is.

  14. I've wondered how moose tags work. If you buy a deer licence and apply for a doe tag, you're automatically guaranteed a buck tag at least. But how does that work for moose? Surely buying a licence you're not guaranteed moose tags, so is there a chance you buy a licence for nothing and just waste that money?

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