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Everything posted by kvazipecaros

  1. Hello! I was wondering if anyone can suggest a decent lake where i could rent a cottage over a weekend in Ontario? I'm mainly looking for pike and bass, possibly carp. I discovered Lake Nipissing but it's a bit far north (I live in Toronto). Thank you!
  2. Hha thanks everyone! I like pictures too, so I will make sure to take a lot. In the meantime, you guys can visit jezerojoca.com or jocalake.com and check out some pictures. I used to fish there...some MONSTER pike and wild powerful carp. Serbian: Hvala! deluje mi do jaja za sad. Dozvolu sam platio 25 dolara i hvatacu ribu, a u srbiji za 60 dolara mozes samo da se hvatas za onu stvar!
  3. Thanks! I'm from Belgrade, Serbia. I've been mostly fishing for Carp (it's popular in europe), and I just started fishing for predators.
  4. HEllo everyone, My name is Marko and I just moved to Canada. I am looking to meet with other anglers in Toronto for some fun and fishing. I will be at the Islands on Sunday, pretty much the whole day so if anyone else is going to look for bass and pike there, let me know and we can meet. Sincerely, New guy.
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