SRT8, The Ultimate Fisherman,
Thanks for the info. I've been able to fish for smallies around London and they are pretty fierce! I have had luck with rock bass, gar pike and smallies on Medway River (joins the Thames at UWO campus) and huge rock bass, sunfish, crappie and smallies on the Thames (near UWO campus and Edgevalley Road, closer to Fanshawe Dam).
I would really love to fish for carp, but at the moment, with my fly rod (3/4wt, designed for small trout and light bass action), I don't think it has enough backbone to handle one of these guys. I hear they are strong fighters and can REALLY test your knots.
The hunt for trout in creeks around London has so far been quite entertaining just based on the pursuit alone. I know they have been stocked here. I have had a conversation with a board member to confirm they have been stocked (but no location details); there is the Thames River Anglers Association that stocks trout on multiple creeks but these creeks are mainly surrounded by private property (access issues). I have talked to an employee at Jay's Fly Shop (not Jeff's, sorry The Ultimate Fisherman, but they closed down their physical store recently) and he suggested the pool that I have included a picture of. I have talked to people at Angling Sport (the other tackle shop in London) and they don't really have much information.
Perhaps what I am looking for is more of an acknowledgement that there are trout around London in the small creeks but I have one of the variables completely wrong (i.e. timing of day, season, location or fly pattern/technique).