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  1. why are mods approving my posts?

  2. I'm from Ottawa. I've never heard of a fishing license, let alone a 'conservation area' until coming here to the GTA and am amazed at big brother police state in Ontario here. Where I'm from, you could smoke in restaurants, smoke and drink in a boat, park your boat where you want, even have airplanes parked out in the water out in constance bay. Now, we're at a point where you can't use lawn pesticide, have to have a license for your pet, fishing, boating, hunting, etc etc. You can't talk on a cell phone in your car. You can't do ANYTHING anymore. We really have become a police state in these last 7-8 years. I have to say that as a tax payer and Canadian, I am VERY offended to get charged $6.25 fee to be able to use land that is my own. I never, ever saw this until coming to the GTA. In Ottawa we never had these rules. Ottawa/Hull area is where I'm from and learned where to fish. Lots of stories from back home. Ottawa river right by the Parliament buildings. Here's what I'll do. I'll go explore these pay 'conservation areas' myself and report my findings. I'll speak to the anglers myself and find how the fishing is, how much the boats cost, etc. I'll check out the alchohol laws and see what is allowed and what isn't. In Ottawa you just didn't think about this stuff cause it wasn't a police state. But things have gotten so out of control now to the point they might search my car, place me under arrest and put me into holdings. Who knows! Put handcuffs on me and tie me to the truck and drag me to get some giggles. As soon as the weather is good to go out I'll be report back my findings and am going to start with lake Kelso in Milton. Very close and right off the 401 for everyone to get to.
  3. There's info about entrance fees sure. But not where to fish, or what the lakes offer as far as fishing goes or where to fish.
  4. Hey thanks. I actually have Sun News on in the background. Great news TV station. Excellent channel. But yeah I guess I'll have to go and pay and see for myself as there's so little info available. Who knows, there could be a CRAZY amount of fish, fully stalked, but no one go's because of the fee's.
  5. For Belwood would you recommend off shore fishing as the boat prices seem 'insane'.
  6. Here what goes again?
  7. Hey guys, I was wondering about Kelso Lake, Guelph Lake and Puslinch lake and area. It's fairly close to where we live. 45 min away from us in Mississauga. There is a $6.25 per adult entrance fee (I'm VERY much biting my tongue right now) and I have no idea how much boat rental costs. If I fish from the shore, I don't want to catch tiny sunfish. I'd like to catch something fun and have no idea what's in the lake as the conservation websites say that all the lakes have all the fish God created and they aren't very helpful. Also I can't seem to find user info for these conservation areas. Even my backpack map doesn't list these lakes or describe what's available. I'm curious about boat rental fees also. I'm willing to pay if it's 'worth it' and would like to know what you guys would recommend?
  8. Yeah I wanted to use chicken livers but knew there was a net screen that I was supposed to use to keep it on a hook and didn't want the trouble and expense of the chicken livers. I hear that shad is the best, then chicken liver, then in 3rd place is punch bait/dip bait. Then some swear to goodness that hot dogs beat out all three, but won't catch you a big fish. There are some that think a quality push bait beats out anything. The scent comes off and carries down current and any catfish come out from hiding to nail it. Supposedly only the quality recommended ones do this. Supposedly the catfish are a good quality white meat. Also, farmed 'basa' which is an asian cat fish, is used in a lot of the fish and chips we get in the food services industry. Supposedly cat fish are under fished, in plentiful quantity, and difficult to catch by the 'average pass-time angler' unless you really know what you are doing and understand the fish (as you do as you mentioned the liver). There's a 12 fish limit actually with a sports license. Always plentiful quantity. For whatever reason, people just don't like catfish. It's the old wifes tale of the stinging whiskers I guess and the fact it has nasty looking whiskers people don't like it. Also the rep of it being a bottom feeder. Supposedly common carp tastes bad. I don't want carp. When I use bread I tend to catch carp. Supposedly the push bait is the answer if you want something quick, very effective, and cheap. Here's a vid of the guy catching large blue in the daylight with push bait:
  9. Bass pro doesn't have it and 3 of their experts were clueless as to what it was.
  10. Hey guys, I'm looking for a very popular type of bait used for catfishing in the US. I guess it's only popular in the US because no one I've asked here, even at Basspro shops has any clue what it is. Before I order from the US, I wanted to see if it was available anywhere here. I guess most won't know what it is so here's a pic of the stuff I need: How to use: The bait doesn't attract carp and smells so good, that an otherwise stagnant catfish will come out of hiding just to eat it regardless of time of day. That's why it's so popular and works so well.
  11. I went to lake aquatain tonight.. Lake Aquitaine is a shallow 'lake' or big pond in Mississauaga. What you will typically find here is a crowded 95% immigrant family demographic with the kids fishing and many keeping all the minow sized fish they catch. I've been there plenty times and have never seen anyone catch anything bigger than a palm sized fish. It is one of the free places with easy free parking that you can 'fish' and won't be harassed by authorities for not having a fishing license. Great if you have kids or family visiting and you want to take the kids out fishing without big brother. Well once I could swear I saw a 10" or so catfish so it always stuck in my head that the lake had catfish. I tried with two rods, used new catfish bait, caught nothing. No nibbles. Nothing. Overall I do not recommend fishing here unless you want to take out kids without big brother harassment. Here is some pic of the lake I took tonight. Looks nice, but never seen a decent fish caught in the dozens of times I've been here
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